To the fullest extent feasible, grievances processed under parts 5510.5110 to 5510.5180 must be conducted during the employer's normal business hours. Employees designated by the exclusive representative must be released from work without loss of regular nonovertime earnings as a result of their necessary participation in meetings or hearings held according to parts 5510.5110 to 5510.5180, whenever such release is consistent with the ability of the employer to conduct safe and reasonable operations.
No more than three employees are entitled to compensation for participating in a single meeting or hearing on a grievance.
The parties may by written mutual agreement waive participation in the grievance steps in parts 5510.5140 to 5510.5160 and may similarly agree to extend the time limits established by parts 5510.5140 to 5510.5170.
11 SR 2077; 46 SR 1387
September 13, 2022
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes