Subpart 1.
Filing request.
Unless otherwise provided, a party may file a request for reconsideration of a commissioner order under parts 5510.0110 to 5510.2310.
Subp. 2.
Filing deadline.
A request must be filed within ten calendar days after the order date.
Subp. 3.
Required form and service.
The request must:
be filed in writing with the commissioner;
be served on all other parties; and
contain a statement of the request and the grounds supporting the request required under part 5510.5290, subpart 1, item A.
A charge of an unfair election practice is not grounds for reconsideration.
Subp. 4.
Staying commissioner order.
If the commissioner determines that the grounds supporting the request are raised under part 5510.5290, subpart 1, item A, the challenged order must be stayed until a hearing or investigation according to part 5510.1910 has been held and a decision is issued.
9 SR 735; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 46 SR 1387