Any party to or party affected by the dispute may appear before the commission in person or by attorney or by their representative, and shall have the right to offer competent evidence and to be heard on the issues at any commission hearing. Any party not directly involved in the dispute desiring to appear and have the same rights before the commission as parties directly involved shall file a petition in writing with the commissioner or the commission setting forth the grounds upon which such person claims to be interested. The commission shall rule upon all such petitions, provided, however, that the parties to the dispute may present arguments and be heard on the question of permitting such appearances. The commission may permit appearances in person, by counsel, or by a representative, to such extent and upon such terms as it may deem just.
MS s 179A.04
L 1987 c 186 s 15
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes