A marriage and family therapist duly licensed to practice marriage and family therapy in the state under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 148B, who has reached the age of 62 and is retired from the active practice of marriage and family therapy, may apply to the board for emeritus status:
by indicating the licensee has not been the subject of disciplinary action resulting in the suspension, revocation, qualification, condition, or restriction to practice marriage and family therapy; and
A licensee who has emeritus status shall not engage in marriage and family therapy practice or practice as a mental health professional as defined in Minnesota Statutes, sections 245.462, subdivision 18, and 245.4871, subdivision 27.
Continuing education requirements are not applicable to emeritus status.
In the exceptional case that a marriage and family therapist issued an emeritus license should wish to resume practice, the board shall reactivate the license according to the procedure in part 5300.0300 except that the only fee required shall be the reinstatement fee specified in part 5300.0360, item H, and the current annual renewal fee specified in part 5300.0360, item F.
If a licensee has had an emeritus license more than five years, the license may be reactivated only as specified in part 5300.0300, subpart 3.
MS s 148B.31
23 SR 1540
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes