A license that has expired under part 5300.0290 may be reinstated if:
no fact, circumstance, or condition exists which, if the license were reinstated, would justify its revocation or suspension;
the former licensee verifies that the former licensee has not engaged in the practice of marriage and family therapy in this state or any other state, or used a title denoting marriage and family therapist since expiration of the license unless licensed by another state. The verification must be accompanied by a notarized affirmation that the statement is true and correct to the best knowledge and belief of the former licensee;
the former licensee submits to the board a completed application for reinstatement on a form provided by the board;
the former licensee includes with the application for reinstatement a letter stating the reasons for applying for reinstatement; and
A former licensee whose license expired under part 5300.0290 less than five years previous to the application for reinstatement must:
submit evidence of meeting the continuing education requirements that would have applied to the former licensee if the license had not expired; and
A former licensee whose license expired under part 5300.0290 five years or more before the application for reinstatement must:
retake the written examination required for licensure of marriage and family therapists given by the board according to part 5300.0240, subpart 3;
submit evidence of meeting the continuing education requirements that would have applied to the former licensee if the license had not expired; and
A former licensee who has engaged in the practice of marriage and family therapy in this state or used a title denoting marriage and family therapist since the date of expiration of the license, is subject to denial of reinstatement or disciplinary action at the time of reinstatement. Nothing in this subpart precludes the board from seeking injunctive relief under Minnesota Statutes, section 214.11 for the unauthorized practice of marriage and family therapy or from referring the matter to criminal law enforcement officials under Minnesota Statutes, section 148B.32, subdivision 3.
Upon reinstatement, the licensee shall be assigned the same license number which the licensee was assigned before expiration of the license.
15 SR 1782
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes