The following procedure applies if a licensee fails to submit the renewal application according to part 5300.0280, subparts 3, 4, 5, and 6 or fails to fulfill or report continuing education requirements in part 5300.0320.
If the licensee fails to submit to the board the renewal application, information about continuing education requirements, and the renewal and late renewal fees specified in part 5300.0360, items F and G, on or before December 31, the license expires and the licensee's right to practice terminates on December 31.
The board shall mail to the former licensee a written notice that the licensee's license has expired and the licensee's right to practice has terminated. The board shall send the notice to the licensee's last known address on record with the board. The board shall instruct the former licensee to promptly return the licensee's board issued license certificate, written in calligraphy, to the board office.
15 SR 1782; 23 SR 1540
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes