Licenses issued by the board must be renewed every year upon the payment of the renewal fee required in part 5300.0360, item F, completion of a notarized renewal application, and the fulfillment and notarized reporting of continuing education requirements in part 5300.0320.
The board shall send the licensee a written renewal notice identifying the amount of the renewal fee. The notice shall be sent to the licensee's last known address on record with the board.
A licensee must notify the board in writing of any change of name, address, or residential or business telephone numbers within 30 days after any change.
Failure to receive the renewal notice does not relieve the licensee of the obligation to renew the license.
The licensee must submit to the board a completed renewal application on a form provided by the board. The licensee must submit the renewal application so that the application is postmarked on or before December 31.
If the postmark is illegible, the renewal application is timely if received in the board office by mail on the first work day after December 31.
The renewal fee required in part 5300.0360, item F, must accompany the renewal application for the renewal application to be complete.
The renewal application must include a notarized statement by the licensee that the information in the application is true and correct to the best knowledge and belief of the licensee.
15 SR 1782; 23 SR 1540
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes