The board shall issue a marriage and family therapist license to an individual who holds a current license as a marriage and family therapist from another state or country if the board determines that the standards for licensure in effect when the individual was licensed in the other state or country are at least equivalent to or exceed the current requirements for licensure in Minnesota. If an applicant for licensure by reciprocity was licensed in another state or country without passing the written examination specified in part 5300.0240, subpart 3, but meets all other Minnesota requirements, the applicant may submit an application for licensure by reciprocity after passing the examination according to part 5300.0240, subpart 6. All applicants for licensure by reciprocity must pass the state examination specified in part 5300.0240, subpart 4.
An individual who holds a current license as a marriage and family therapist from another state or country must file a completed application for licensure by reciprocity and must pay the fee for application for licensure by reciprocity specified in part 5300.0360, item E. The application must be on a form provided by the board. The application must include a notarized statement that the information in the application is true and correct to the best knowledge of the applicant and an agreement by the applicant that the applicant will conduct all professional activities according to the code of ethics in part 5300.0350.
The applicant must direct the board of examiners of the state or country in which the license is held to send to the board directly a statement that the license is in effect and in good standing on a form provided by the board, and a copy of the state's current licensing law and rules.
The board may refuse to grant a license or may impose disciplinary action as described in Minnesota Statutes, section 148B.37, subdivision 1, for:
revocation, suspension, restriction, limitation, or other disciplinary action against the applicant's license in another state or jurisdiction;
failure to report to the board that charges regarding the applicant's license have been brought in another state or jurisdiction; or
The burden is on the applicant to establish, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the standards for licensing in effect when the individual was licensed in the other state or jurisdiction are at least equivalent to or exceed the current licensing requirements in Minnesota.
15 SR 1782; 23 SR 1540
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes