To be eligible for admission to licensure, an applicant must submit to the board the information in items A to E.
The applicant must submit evidence of having passed the written part of the examination in part 5300.0240, subpart 3.
The applicant must submit a completed, notarized application for licensure on a form provided by the board. The application must include an affirmation by the applicant that the statements in the application are true and correct to the best knowledge of the applicant and an agreement by the applicant that the applicant will conduct all professional activities as a licensed marriage and family therapist according to the code of ethics in part 5300.0350.
The applicant must submit the required, nonrefundable application for licensure fee specified in part 5300.0360, item C, made payable to the Board of Marriage and Family Therapy.
The applicant must submit a completed notarized form provided by the board, verifying the applicant's postgraduate, supervised experience, conforming to the requirements of part 5300.0150, subpart 6.
The applicant must submit two endorsements attesting to the applicant's good moral character. The endorsements must be completed and signed by individuals who meet the requirements for endorsers under part 5300.0230, subparts 1 and 2. The endorsements must be notarized on forms provided by the board.
The board has authority to investigate or contact persons to verify the authenticity of the information in the application for licensure and to require the applicant to provide verification.
An applicant who fails to meet all the requirements in subpart 1 shall be denied licensure. An applicant who is denied licensure shall be informed in writing of the denial and the reasons for it. An application for licensure submitted following denial is a new application for licensure which must be accompanied by the fee for application for licensure specified in part 5300.0360, item C.
15 SR 1782
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes