The two years supervised, postgraduate experience required by Minnesota Statutes, section 148B.33, subdivision 1, clause (4), must meet the requirements in subparts 2 to 6.
In calculating two years of supervised postgraduate experience in marriage and family therapy, the board shall accept a minimum of 1,000 hours of clinical client contact including the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illness as specified in subpart 3 with 200 hours of supervision by a Minnesota licensed marriage and family therapist over a period of not less than 24 months. All additional work used to complete this two-year experience may be supervised in a legal and ethical manner by a licensed mental health professional listed in Minnesota Statutes, section 245.462, subdivision 18, clauses (1) to (5), or 245.4871, subdivision 27, clauses (1) to (5), or both.
The applicant must demonstrate at least 500 hours of the clinical client contact required in the following categories of cases:
family groups including children.
This contact shall include experience in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illness.
The supervision by a Minnesota licensed marriage and family therapist shall take place in individual and group settings, according to items A and B.
The individual supervision shall take place in a setting in which a supervisor and not more than two supervisees are present.
The group supervision shall take place in a setting in which a supervisor and not more than six supervisees are present.
Supervision must involve:
at least 200 hours of face-to-face contact between the supervisor and supervisee of which at least 100 hours must be in individual settings;
a focus on the raw data from the supervisee's clinical work that is made directly available to the supervisor through means of written clinical materials, direct observation, and audio or video recordings.
A supervisee must verify the required supervised experience by completing a form supplied by the board. The form must be signed by the applicant's supervisor and be notarized. The form must include the setting, nature, and extent of the supervised experience, the time period involved, the number of hours of clinical client contact, the number of hours of supervision, and the name and qualifications of each supervisor.
15 SR 1782; 23 SR 1540
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes