This part provides the percentage of disability of the whole body for permanent partial impairment of the skin. This schedule is not affected by the location of the skin disorder or the percentage of the body surface area involved, or by the type of skin disorder, except for those due to heat injuries and cold injuries which must be rated as provided in part 5223.0640.
Class 1, two percent. Signs or symptoms of skin disorder are present and supported by objective skin findings, and there is no persistent limitation in the performance of the activities of daily living, as defined in part 5223.0310, subpart 5, although exposure to certain physical or chemical agents may temporarily result in a limitation of activity.
Class 2, ten percent. Signs or symptoms of skin disorder are present, and intermittent treatment is required, and there is limitation in the performance of some of the activities of daily living.
Class 3, 20 percent. Signs or symptoms of skin disorder are present, and continuous treatment is required, and there is limitation in the performance of many of the activities of daily living but able to live independently.
Class 4, 40 percent. Signs or symptoms of skin disorder are present, and continuous treatment is required which may include periodic confinement at home or other domicile, and there is limitation in the performance of many of the activities of daily living, and cannot live independently, but able to perform self cares independently.
Class 5, 75 percent. Signs or symptoms of skin disorder are present, and continuous treatment is required which necessitates confinement at home or other domicile, and there is severe limitation in the performance of nearly all of the activities of daily living and requires some assistance with self cares.
MS s 176.105
17 SR 3364
August 16, 2010
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes