This part provides the percentage of disability of the whole body for permanent partial impairment of the vascular system, including the arteries, veins, and lymphatics. For purposes of evaluation, disorders of the vascular system are grouped into the following categories:
Raynaud's Phenomenon.
A permanent partial impairment of the vascular system may be rated under any of subparts 1 to 6, but only under one subpart for any injury or illness. The category that is appropriate and provides for the largest percentage of disability is the correct category for rating. Any amputation occurring due to impairment of the vascular system shall be rated separately as provided in parts 5223.0540 and 5223.0550 and is the sole rating due to the vascular impairment for that member. If only a part of a limb, that is, a single finger, is amputated, the remainder of the limb may suffer a permanent impairment due to a vascular disorder, that is, Raynaud's Phenomenon in the remaining fingers. In such a case, the ratings under this part may be combined with ratings under parts 5223.0540 and 5223.0550.
There is organic disease of the arterial, venous, or lymphatic system as demonstrated by an X-ray with or without contrast, computerized axial tomogram, sonogram, or radionuclide scan, or a volume study or a flow study, the rating is as provided in part 5223.0640 for skin disorders.
There is organic disease of the arterial, venous, or lymphatic system as demonstrated by an X-ray with or without contrast, computerized axial tomogram, sonogram, or radionuclide scan, or a volume study or a flow study. For purposes of rating under this subpart, the value of the upper extremity shall be 60 percent of the whole body and the value of the lower extremity shall be 40 percent of the whole body. The ratings for each limb involved are combined as described in part 5223.0300, subpart 3, item E, to determine the final rating under this subpart.
There is persistent mild to moderate edema of a limb that is incompletely controlled by treatment, ten percent of the value of the extremity, that is, six percent of the whole body for an upper extremity, four percent of the whole body for a lower extremity.
There is persistent severe edema of a limb that is incompletely controlled by treatment, 30 percent of the value of the extremity, that is, 18 percent of the whole body for an upper extremity, 12 percent of the whole body for a lower extremity.
There is persistent severe edema of a limb that is completely unamenable to treatment, 65 percent of the value of the extremity, that is, 39 percent of the whole body for an upper extremity, 26 percent of the whole body for a lower extremity.
The rating under this subpart is the same whether vascular impairment in one or both lower extremities is the cause of the intermittent claudication. There is organic disease of the arterial system in the lower extremity as demonstrated by an X-ray with or without contrast, computerized axial tomogram, sonogram, or radionuclide scan, or a volume study or a flow study, and:
no intermittent claudication, or claudication completely controlled by treatment, zero percent;
intermittent claudication occurs after walking more than 500 feet on level ground despite treatment, ten percent of the whole body;
intermittent claudication occurs after walking less than 500 feet on level ground despite treatment, 30 percent of the whole body;
There is organic disease of the arterial system in the upper extremity as demonstrated by a radiograph, X-ray with or without contrast, computerized axial tomogram, sonogram, or radionuclide scan, or a volume study or a flow study, or organic disease of the autonomic nervous system. The ratings for both upper extremities are combined as described in part 5223.0300, subpart 3, item E, to determine the final rating under this subpart.
Raynaud's Phenomenon occurs in a limb on exposure to ambient temperatures lower than zero degrees centigrade, or 32 degrees Fahrenheit, but is controlled by treatment, zero percent.
Raynaud's Phenomenon occurs in a limb on exposure to ambient temperatures lower than four degrees centigrade, or 39 degrees Fahrenheit, despite treatment, five percent.
Raynaud's Phenomenon occurs in a limb on exposure to ambient temperatures lower than ten degrees centigrade, or 50 degrees Fahrenheit, despite treatment, 20 percent.
Raynaud's Phenomenon occurs in a limb on exposure to ambient temperatures lower than 20 degrees centigrade, or 68 degrees Fahrenheit, despite treatment, 40 percent.
Surgical removal or alteration of all or part of an artery, vein, or lymphatic not otherwise ratable under this part, zero percent.
MS s 176.105
17 SR 3364
August 16, 2010
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes