Subpart 1.
Permanent partial impairment due to amputation of upper extremities is a disability of the whole body as follows:
amputation of the upper extremity at the shoulder, including removal of the ipsilateral scapula, clavicle, and muscles of the upper extremity attaching to the chest, 70 percent;
disarticulation, as defined in part 5223.0310, subpart 21, at shoulder joint, 60 percent;
amputation of arm above deltoid insertion, 60 percent;
amputation of arm between deltoid insertion and elbow joint, 57 percent;
disarticulation at elbow joint, 57 percent;
amputation of forearm below elbow but proximal to insertion of biceps tendon, 57 percent;
amputation of forearm below elbow joint distal to insertion of biceps tendon, 54 percent;
disarticulation at wrist joint, 54 percent;
midcarpal or midmetacarpal amputation of hand, 54 percent;
amputation of multiple digits, add as described in part 5223.0300, subpart 3, item F, the ratings obtained for the specific abnormalities in items K to O;
amputation of thumb:
at metacarpophalangeal joint or with resection of metacarpal bone, 22 percent;
through proximal phalanx, 16 percent;
at interphalangeal joint to middle of distal phalanx, 11 percent;
distal to middle of distal phalanx, 6.5 percent;
isolated soft tissue loss of the end of the digit greater than one centimeter, five percent;
amputation of index finger:
at metacarpophalangeal joint or with resection of metacarpal bone or through proximal phalanx, 11 percent;
at proximal interphalangeal joint or through middle phalanx, nine percent;
at distal interphalangeal joint to middle of distal phalanx, five percent;
distal to middle of distal phalanx, 2.5 percent;
isolated soft tissue loss of the end of the digit greater than one centimeter, 2.5 percent;
amputation of middle finger:
at metacarpophalangeal joint or with resection of metacarpal bone or through proximal phalanx, 11 percent;
at proximal interphalangeal joint or through middle phalanx, nine percent;
at distal interphalangeal joint to middle of distal phalanx, five percent;
distal to middle of distal phalanx, 2.5 percent;
isolated soft tissue loss of the end of the digit greater than one centimeter, 2.5 percent;
amputation of ring finger:
at metacarpophalangeal joint or with resection of metacarpal bone or through proximal phalanx, 5.5 percent; for dates of injury on or after August 9, 2010, at metacarpophalangeal joint or with resection of metacarpal bone or through proximal phalanx, five percent;
at proximal interphalangeal joint or through middle phalanx, four percent;
at distal interphalangeal joint to middle of distal phalanx, 2.5 percent;
distal to middle of distal phalanx, one percent;
isolated soft tissue loss of the end of the digit greater than one centimeter, one percent;
amputation of little finger:
at metacarpophalangeal joint or with resection of metacarpal bone or through proximal phalanx, 5.5 percent; for dates of injury on or after August 9, 2010, at metacarpophalangeal joint or with resection of metacarpal bone or through proximal phalanx, five percent;
at proximal interphalangeal joint or through middle phalanx, four percent;
at distal interphalangeal joint to middle of distal phalanx, 2.5 percent;
distal to middle of distal phalanx, one percent;
isolated soft tissue loss of the end of the digit greater than one centimeter, one percent.