For permanent partial impairment to the knee and lower leg, disability of the whole body is as provided in subparts 2 to 4. The percent of whole body disability under this part may not exceed the percent of whole body disability for amputation of the leg at the knee under part 5223.0550. Each mutually exclusive impairing condition must be rated separately and the ratings must be combined as described in part 5223.0300, subpart 3, item E.
If an impairing condition is represented by a category designated as exclusive under subpart 2, it must be rated by that category only and that rating may not be combined with a rating under any other category of this part for that impairing condition.
If an impairing condition is represented by a category designated as combinable under subpart 3, it must be rated under that category and under the appropriate categories describing loss of function under subpart 4. The ratings obtained must be combined as described in part 5223.0300, subpart 3, item E.
If an impairing condition is not represented by a category designated either exclusive or combinable, it must be rated only under the appropriate categories describing loss of function under subpart 4.
Painful organic syndrome, as defined in part 5223.0310, subpart 40, not elsewhere specified and substantiated by appropriate, consistent, and reproducible clinical or medical imaging findings which results in persistent limitation of active range of motion or persistent deviation of gait but no limitation of passive range of motion, zero percent.
Nerve entrapment syndrome of the tibial or peroneal nerves at the knee or in the lower leg:
pain and paresthesia recurring or persisting despite treatment, but not substantiated by persistent findings on electrodiagnostic testing, zero percent;
pain and paresthesia persisting despite treatment, or recurring and persisting despite treatment and substantiated by persistent findings on electrodiagnostic testing, two percent;
Meniscectomy, or excision of semilunar cartilage in a single knee. If meniscectomy, or excision of semilunar cartilage is performed on both knees, rate each separately and combine the ratings for the overall impairment:
for dates of injury on or after August 9, 2010, up to 50 percent of one cartilage and more than 50 percent of the other cartilage removed, five percent.
Fracture or dislocation involving the femur, tibia, or fibula not otherwise ratable under subpart 2 or 3 or part 5223.0500 or 5223.0520, zero percent. For dates of injury on or after August 9, 2010, fracture or dislocation involving the patella not otherwise rated under this subpart, subpart 2, or part 5223.0500 or 5223.0520, zero percent.
Function of the knee is measured by the available passive range of motion in flexion or extension. Examination with goniometer is performed to determine the limits of passive range.
Extent of range of flexion or extension:
extension is limited to between zero degrees and nine degrees flexion, that is, there may be a flexion contracture, and flexion is:
extension is limited to between ten degrees and 20 degrees flexion, that is, there is a flexion contracture, and flexion is:
extension is limited to between 21 degrees and 35 degrees flexion, that is, there is a flexion contracture, and flexion is:
extension is limited to between 36 degrees and 50 degrees flexion, that is, there is a flexion contracture, and flexion is:
extension is limited to between 51 degrees and 90 degrees flexion, that is, there is a flexion contracture, and flexion is:
extension is limited to greater than 90 degrees flexion, that is, there is a flexion contracture, 36 percent;
MS s 176.105
17 SR 3364; 35 SR 138
August 16, 2010
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes