This part applies to dates of injury on or after August 9, 2010. For dates of injury from July 1, 1993, through August 8, 2010, the following parts apply: 5223.0400, subpart 6; 5223.0410, subpart 7; 5223.0420, subpart 6; and 5223.0430, subpart 6.
To rate complex regional pain syndrome, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, causalgia, and cognate conditions, determine the impairment to the peripheral nervous system, the musculoskeletal system, the skin, and the vascular system as provided in items A to I. The ratings obtained are then combined for the final rating as described in part 5223.0300, subpart 3, item E. The percent of whole body disability for complex regional pain syndrome, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, or causalgia of a member shall not exceed the percent of whole body disability for amputation of that member. If there is no rating under items A to I, then the final rating is zero percent.
For loss of range of motion in the upper extremity rate as provided in parts 5223.0450 to 5223.0480.
MS s 176.105
35 SR 138
August 16, 2010
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes