For permanent partial impairment to the face, nose, mouth, or throat other than for cosmetic disfigurement, disability of the whole body is as provided in subparts 2 to 4. Permanent partial impairment due to cosmetic disfigurement is as provided in part 5223.0650 and may be combined with ratings under this part as described in part 5223.0300, subpart 3, item E.
Signs or symptoms of organic disease of the face, nose, mouth, or throat are present or there is an objectively demonstrated neurological lesion of a type known to interfere with chewing or swallowing; and, in the case of organic disease of the face, nose, mouth, or throat, there is anatomic loss or alteration; and signs or symptoms have persisted despite treatment.
Signs or symptoms of organic disease of the face, nose, mouth, or throat are present or there is an objectively demonstrated neurological lesion of a type known to interfere with articulation, as defined in part 5223.0310, subpart 9; and, in the case of organic disease of the face, nose, mouth, or throat, there is anatomic loss or alteration, and signs or symptoms have persisted despite treatment.
Speech intensity, as defined in part 5223.0310, subpart 46, is sufficient and 95 percent or more of words, that is, nearly all words, are understood by persons who are not family members, but speech is distorted, three percent.
Speech intensity can be sustained but is insufficient in noisy environments, or 95 percent or more of words, that is, nearly all words, are understood by family members, as defined in part 5223.0310, subpart 26, but strangers have difficulty understanding anything but basic communications, that is, name, address, or rote information, ten percent.
Speech intensity cannot be sustained for more than a few seconds and 95 percent or more of words, that is, nearly all words, are understood by family members though strangers have difficulty understanding anything but basic communications, 15 percent.
Can produce only a barely heard whisper; or unintelligible except for basic communication with family members, 25 percent.
Signs or symptoms of upper respiratory tract obstruction are present, and there is anatomical loss or alteration of nares, nasal cavities, sinuses, eustachian tubes, mouth, pharynx, larynx, upper trachea to fourth ring, or lower trachea to bifurcation, and signs or symptoms have persisted despite treatment.
Incomplete or unilateral obstruction of the upper respiratory tract, including, but not limited to, chronic mastoiditis, chronic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, or chronic eustachian tube defects, two percent.
Impairment of the temporomandibular joint is ratable only under subparts 2 and 3 and part 5223.0650, subpart 2.
MS s 176.105
17 SR 3364
August 16, 2010
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes