This part sets forth the percentage of disability of the whole body for permanent partial disability of the reproductive and urinary systems. The percentages indicated in this schedule are the disability of the whole body for the corresponding class.
For evaluative purposes the reproductive and urinary systems are divided into the: (1) upper urinary tract, (2) bladder, (3) urethra, (4) male reproductive organs, and (5) female reproductive organs.
Procedures for evaluating permanent partial disability of the genitourinary and reproductive systems shall include:
a complete history and physical examination with special reference to genitourinary/reproductive symptoms and signs, including psychological evaluation when indicated by the symptoms;
laboratory tests to identify the presence or absence of associated disease. The tests may include multichannel chemistry profile, complete blood count, complete urinalysis, including microscopic examination of centrifuged sediment, chest X-ray, both posterior/anterior and left lateral views, electrocardiogram, performance of a measurement of total renal functions -- endogenous creatinine clearance corrected for total body surface area. Other tests may include:
kidney function tests, such as arterial blood gases and determinations of other chemistries that would reflect the metabolic effects of decreased kidney function;
urodynamics, specifically cystometry combined with electromyography of the external urethral sphincter to evaluate for presumed upper or lower motor neuron neurogenic bladder; and
nocturnal penile tumescence monitoring with paper or computer printout that displays frequency, duration, and, whenever possible, rigidity of erections.
Solitary kidney, 10 percent. This category shall apply only when a solitary kidney is the only upper urinary tract permanent partial disability. When a solitary kidney occurs in combination with any one of the following four classes, the disability rating for that class shall be increased by 10 percent.
Class 1, 5 percent. Diminution of kidney function as evidenced by a creatinine clearance of 50 to 70 percent of age and sex adjusted normal values, other underlying causes absent.
Class 2, 22 percent. Diminution of the upper urinary tract function as evidenced by a creatinine clearance of 40 to 50 percent of age and sex adjusted normal values, no other underlying disease.
Class 3, 47 percent. Diminution of upper urinary tract function, as evidenced by creatinine clearance of 25 to 40 percent of age and sex adjusted normal values.
Class 4, 77 percent. Diminution of upper urinary tract function as evidenced by creatinine clearance below 25 percent of age and sex adjusted normal values.
Class 1, 5 percent. Symptoms and signs of bladder disorder requiring intermittent treatment, but without evidence of intervening malfunction between periods of treatments or symptomatology.
Class 2, 15 percent. Symptoms and signs of bladder disorder requiring continuous treatment, or there is bladder reflex activity but loss of voluntary control.
Class 3, 20 percent. Poor reflex activity evidenced by intermittent dribbling, and no voluntary control.
Class 1, 2 percent. Symptoms and signs of urethral disorder are present which require intermittent therapy for control.
Class 2, 15 percent. Symptoms and signs of urethral disorder that cannot be effectively controlled by treatment.
Class 1, 10 percent. Impaired sexual function but vaginal penetration is possible, with supporting objective evidence of abnormal penile tumescence studies to substantiate impaired tumescence or rigidity.
Class 2, 20 percent. Impaired sexual function and vaginal penetration is not possible, with supporting objective evidence of insufficient penile tumescence or rigidity.
Class 1, 5 percent.
symptoms and signs of testicular, epididymal, or spermatic cord disease are present and there is anatomic alteration; and
Class 2, 10 percent.
symptoms and signs of testicular, epididymal or spermatic cord disease are present and there is anatomic alteration; and
Class 3, 20 percent. Trauma or disease produces bilateral anatomical loss or there is no detectable seminal or hormonal function of testes, epididymides, or spermatic cords.
Inguinal hernia, direct or indirect, unilateral or bilateral, recurrent after two or more herniorrhaphies, 5 percent.
Class 1, 5 percent.
symptoms and signs of disease or deformity of the cervix or uterus are present which do not require continuous treatment; or
Class 1, 5 percent.
symptoms and signs of disease or deformity of the fallopian tubes or ovaries are present which do not require continuous treatment; or
Class 2, 10 percent. Symptoms and signs of disease or deformity of the fallopian tubes or ovaries are present which require continuous treatment, but tubal patency persists and ovulation is possible.
MS s 176.105
10 SR 1124
August 16, 2010
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes