For permanent partial disability of joints, disability of the whole body is set forth in subparts 2 to 9.
Surgical or traumatic shortening of lower extremity:
Range of motion:
mild, anterior posterior movement from 0 degree to 120 degree flexion, rotation and lateral motion, abduction, adduction free to 50 percent of normal, 6 percent;
moderate, anterior posterior motion from 15 degrees flexion deformity to 110 degrees further flexion, rotation, lateral motion, abduction, and adduction free to 25 percent normal, 12 percent;
severe, anterior posterior motion from 30 degrees flexion deformity to 90 degrees further flexion, 22 percent.
femoral shaft fracture, open reduction, loss of less than 20 degrees of movement of any one plane of either the hip or the knee, no malalignment, 2 percent.
Range of motion.
ankylosis and limited motion, total ankylosis optimum position, 15 degrees flexion, 22 percent;
tibial shaft fracture, open reduction, loss of less than 20 degrees of movement in any one plane in either the knee or the ankle with full knee extension, no malalignment, 5 percent.
Ankle and foot:
Range of motion:
ankylosis of foot, subtalar or triple arthrodesis tarsal bones, ankle, normal motion, 7.5 percent:
ankylosis of tibia and talus, subtalar joints free, optimum position 15 degrees plantar flexion, 12 percent;
limitation of motion in the ankle:
mild, motion limited from position of 90 degrees right angle to 20 degrees plantar flexion, 3 percent;
moderate, motion limited from position of 10 degrees flexion to 20 degrees plantar flexion, 6 percent;
severe, motion limited from position of 20 degrees plantar flexion to 30 degrees plantar flexion, 12 percent.
Procedures or conditions:
achilles tendon rupture with treatment surgically or nonsurgically, able to stand on toes, 2 percent;
achilles tendon rupture with treatment surgically or nonsurgically, unable to sustain body weight on toes, 4 percent;
open reduction ankle:
for moderate to severe restriction of range of motion in the ankle, rate as in item A, subitem (4);
ankle, lateral ligament reconstruction, moderate laxity, at least ten degrees greater widening on the Talar tilt stress test X-ray compared to the uninjured side, 3 percent.
Range of motion:
limited motion in the foot:
mild, limited motion with mild pain with weight bearing, no change in activities, 2.5 percent;
moderate, limitation of motion with pain with weight bearing, no reduction in athletic or vigorous activities, 5 percent;
severe, limitation of motion with pain with weight bearing, sedentary activities not affected, 10 percent.
MS s 176.105
10 SR 1124
October 3, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes