Permanent partial disability of wrist is disability of the whole body as set in subparts 2 and 3.
Excision distal end of ulna, flexion and extension credited with 75 percent of hand, and rotation 25 percent of hand, 5 percent;
Limitation of motion:
mild, rotation normal, loss of 15 degrees palmar flexion and loss of 20 degrees dorsiflexion, 5 percent;
moderate, rotation limited to 60 degrees in pronation-supination, loss of 25 degrees palmar flexion, loss of 30 degrees dorsiflexion, 10 percent; or
severe, rotation limited to 30 degrees in pronation-supination, palmer flexion less than 25 degrees, dorsiflexion less than 30 degrees, 15 percent.
MS s 176.105
10 SR 1124
August 7, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes