For the purpose of this chapter the terms defined in this part have the meanings given them unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. Terms not defined in this part are defined in Dorland's or other documents incorporated by reference. If the definition in a document incorporated by reference conflicts with or differs from the definition in this chapter, the specific definitions in this chapter shall govern.
"Acromio clavicular grade 1" means an undisplaced acromio clavicular joint.
"Acromio clavicular grade 2" means a 50 percent displacement of the clavicle in relationship to the acromion at the acromio clavicular joint.
"Acromio clavicular grade 3" means a completely disrupted acromio clavicular joint.
"Activities of daily living" means the ability to perform self cares, to perform housework and related tasks, to ride in or operate a motor vehicle, and to perform vocational tasks not requiring physical labor.
"Banding" means a thick, rope like cord of hypertrophic scarring resulting from burns.
"Category" means a permanent partial disability as described in this chapter and the corresponding percent of disability to the whole body for that permanent partial disability.
"Chronic" means the repeated or continuous occurrence of a specific condition or symptom.
"Demonstrable degenerative changes" means radiographic findings demonstrating the presence of degeneration of intervertebral disc or facet joints. Examples of demonstrable degenerative changes are disc space narrowing, small osteophytes, and facet joint hypertrophic changes.
"Desirable level of weight" means preferred weights in the tables created by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
"Distance vision" means the ability to distinguish letters at a distance of 20 feet according to the Snellen and A.M.A. Charts.
"Family member" means cohabitants and is not limited to those related by blood or marriage. In cases of institutionalization or similar nonhome environment, family member may include staff members who care for the individual on a regular basis.
"Forequarter" means the amputation of the upper extremity involving the scapula, clavicle, and muscles that attach to the chest.
"Fusion" means the surgical uniting of one vertebral segment to an adjoining vertebral segment.
"Gastrostomy" means a surgical creation of a gastric fistula through the abdominal wall for the purpose of introducing food into the stomach.
"Glossopharyngeal" means the ninth cranial nerve with sensory fibers to the tongue and pharynx. It affects taste and swallowing.
"Gross motor weakness" means total or partial loss as described in part 5223.0160.
"Hypertrophic scar" means an elevated irregularly shaped mass of scar tissue.
"Hypoglossal" means the motor nerve to the tongue. It is the 12th cranial nerve and carries impulses from the brain to the tongue, including movement of muscles and secretion of glands and motor movement.
"Kenny scale" means the Kenny self-care evaluation system in The Revised Kenny Self-Care Evaluation: A Numerical Measure of Independence of Activities of Daily Living.
"Laminectomy" means the removal of part or all of the lamina of one vertebral segment, usually with associated disc excision.
"Lethargy" means, in relation to a nervous system injury to the brain, that an individual is drowsy, but can be aroused.
"Moderate referred shoulder and arm pain" means pain of an intensity necessitating decreased activity in order to avoid the pain. This pain is demonstrated in a dermatomal distribution into the shoulder and upper extremity.
"Moderate partial dislocation" means a loss of normal vertebral alignment of up to 50 percent of the vertebral body on the adjacent vertebral body associated with vertebral fractures.
"Nonpreferred extremity" means the arm or leg not used dominantly, as for example, the left hand of a right-handed writer.
"Objective clinical findings" as used in part 5223.0070 means examination results which are reproducible and consistent. Examples of objective clinical findings are involuntary muscle spasms, consistent postural abnormalities, and changes in deep tendon reflexes.
"Postural abnormality" means a deviation from normal posture, as found on anterior/posterior or lateral X-rays, that involves the spine and pelvis or segments of the spine or pelvis, such as kyphosis, lordosis, or scoliosis.
"Preferred extremity" means the dominant leg or arm, as for example, the right arm of a right-handed person.
"Presbycusis" means a decline in hearing acuity that occurs with the aging process.
"Pseudophakia" means that the crystalline lens of the eye has been replaced with a surgically implanted lens.
"Self cares" means bed activities, transfers, locomotion, dressing, personal hygiene, bowel and bladder, and feeding as described in The Revised Kenny Self-Care Evaluation: A Numerical Measure of Independence in Activities of Daily Living, pages 10-24.
"Spondylolisthesis" means the forward movement of one vertebral body of one of the lower lumbar vertebrae on the vertebrae below it or upon the sacrum.
"Spondylolisthesis grade 1" means forward movement from zero to 25 percent of the vertebral body.
"Spondylolisthesis grade 2" means forward movement from 25 to 50 percent of the vertebral body.
"Spondylolisthesis grade 3" means movement from 50 to 75 percent of the vertebral body.
"Spondylolisthesis grade 4" means forward movement from 75 to 100 percent of the vertebral body.
"Stupor" means, in relation to a nervous system injury to the brain, that a strong stimulus or pain is needed to arouse consciousness or response.
"Tinnitus" means a subjective sense of noises in the head or ringing in the ear for which there is no observable external cause.
"Trigeminal" means the mixed nerve with sensory fibers to the face, cornea, anterior scalp, nasal and oral cavities, tongue and supertentorial dura matter. It also has motor fibers to the muscles of mastication. It is the fifth cranial nerve.
"Vertigo" means a sensation of moving around in space or having objects move about the person. It is the result of a disturbance of the equilibratory apparatus.
"Vestibular" means the main division of the auditory nerve. It is the eighth cranial nerve and deals with equilibrium.
"Wrinkling" means small ridges on the skin formed by shrinking or contraction as a result of burns.
"14/14" is a term used in the measurement of near vision. It is the clearness of vision at a distance of 14 inches. The numerator is the test distance in inches. The denominator is the distance at which the smallest letter on the A.M.A. card can be seen.
"20/20 Snellen or A.M.A. Chart" refers to a chart imprinted with block letters or numbers in gradually decreasing sizes, identified according to distances at which they are ordinarily visible. It is used in testing visual acuity. The numerator is the test distance in feet. The denominator is the distance at which the smallest letter discriminated by a patient would subtend five minutes of arc.
MS s 176.105
10 SR 1124
August 16, 2010
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes