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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subpart 1.

Name of school.

The title or name of the school as it appears on the application for licensure must be used in all advertising, catalogs, brochures, contracts, letterheads, electronic display, and any other written materials or oral presentations made in Minnesota by school representatives.

Subp. 2.

Schools at more than one location.

Schools offering programs at more than one location must provide all information required under Minnesota Statutes, section 141.25, subdivision 3, for each school location, on forms provided by the office. If this information is the same for each location, the school must clearly indicate that on the forms.

Subp. 3.

Instructor and program administrator qualifications.

The school must provide the office with each instructor's name and academic degrees earned, applicable education and experience as specified in part 4880.1900, and courses each instructor teaches.

Subp. 4.


A program is a course or a grouping of courses that is advertised or listed in the school's catalog, brochures, electronic display, or other publications, or for which the school grants a diploma, certificate, or other formal recognition that does not confer a degree. A program is the same as a "course of instruction." For each program, the school must provide the following information:


title of program and formal recognition awarded;


geographic location;


proposed implementation date;


length of program in quarter or semester credits, lessons, or clock hours;


number of graduates expected annually;


curriculum required to complete the program, including:


outline of each course and its objectives, subjects, and units;


type of work or skill to be learned; and


approximate time, hours, or credits to be spent on each subject or unit;


employment opportunities for graduates;


physical resources that will be provided by the school;


physical resources that students need to provide for themselves;


information services that will be provided by the school;


academic and administrative mechanisms for monitoring the quality of the program; and


documentation of availability, location, and supervision of clinical, internship, practicum, or externship sites, if applicable.

Subp. 5.

[Repealed, 24 SR 1289]

Subp. 6.

Changes after issuance of license.

If a change occurs in any of the information required by Minnesota Statutes, section 141.25, subdivision 3, during the licensure year, the school must inform the office within 30 days of the change.

Subp. 7.

Change of ownership.

Within 30 days of a change in ownership or control, a school must submit a licensure renewal application with the appropriate fee to the office.

Subp. 8.

New program.

Prior to implementation of a new program, a school must submit the information required under subpart 4 to the office. The office must notify the school no later than 60 days after receipt of the required information whether the proposed new program meets the standards specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 141.25, subdivision 7, clause (3), and whether the proposed new program can be added to the list of programs offered by the school.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 14.388; 136A.01


20 SR 2214; 24 SR 1289; 34 SR 1137

Published Electronically:

February 25, 2010

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes