An irradiator operator and at least one other individual who is trained in how to respond and prepared to promptly render or summon assistance if the access control alarm sounds must be present on site:
whenever the product is moved into or out of the radiation room when the irradiator is operated in a batch mode.
At a panoramic irradiator at which static irradiations, when there is no movement of the product, occur, a person who has received the training on how to respond under part 4731.6160, subpart 6, must be on site.
At an underwater irradiator, an irradiator operator must be present at the facility whenever the product is moved into or out of the pool. Individuals who move the product into or out of the pool of an underwater irradiator need not be qualified as irradiator operators, but must have received the training under part 4731.6160, subparts 5 and 6. Static irradiations may be performed at an underwater irradiator without a person present at the facility.
29 SR 755
March 12, 2009
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes