A licensee must maintain records of doses received by all individuals for whom monitoring is required under part 4731.2210 and records of doses received during planned special exposures, accidents, and emergency conditions. Assessments of dose equivalent and records made using units in effect before January 3, 2005, need not be changed. The records must include, when applicable:
the deep dose equivalent to the whole body, lens dose equivalent, shallow dose equivalent to the skin, and shallow dose equivalent to the extremities;
the specific information used to assess the committed effective dose equivalent according to part 4731.2050, subparts 1 and 3, and, when required, part 4731.2210;
the total of the deep dose equivalent and the committed dose to the organ receiving the highest total dose.
A licensee must make entries of the records required under subpart 1 at least annually.
A licensee must maintain the records required under subpart 1 on the NRC's Form 5, or its equivalent, according to the instructions for the form, or in clear and legible records containing all the information required by the NRC form.
The records required under this part must be protected from public disclosure because of their personal privacy nature. The records are protected by most state privacy laws and, when transferred to the commissioner, are protected by the Minnesota Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, chapter 13.
A licensee must maintain the records of dose to an embryo/fetus with the records of dose to the declared pregnant woman. The declaration of pregnancy must be kept on file, but may be maintained separately from the dose records.
A licensee must retain the records required under this part until the commissioner terminates each pertinent license requiring the record. This includes records required under the standards for protection against radiation in effect prior to January 1, 1994.
29 SR 755
March 12, 2009
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes