No connection between a well or boring and another well, boring, water supply system, or contamination source is allowed unless the connection is:
protected with a backflow prevention device as specified in parts 1505.2100 to 1505.2800 if the well is an irrigation well used for chemigation; or
between wells or borings that meet the construction standards of this chapter, are used for the same purpose, and have equivalent water quality.
This part does not apply to a water distribution system after the pressure tank; however, this part does not exempt water distribution systems otherwise regulated by chapter 4715.
MS s 103I.101; 103I.111; 103I.205; 103I.221; 103I.301; 103I.401; 103I.451; 103I.501; 103I.525; 103I.531; 103I.535; 103I.541; 103I.621; 144.05; 144.12; 144.122; 144.383; 157.04; 157.08; 157.09; 157.13
17 SR 2773; 18 SR 1222; 33 SR 211
September 2, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes