This part applies to the construction of a groundwater thermal exchange device (heat pump) with reinjection to an aquifer.
A groundwater thermal exchange device with reinjection to an aquifer must not be constructed until a permit has been issued by the commissioner to the property owner.
The property owner or the property owner's agent must submit to the commissioner a permit application on a form provided by the commissioner, or in a format approved by the commissioner. The application must be legible and must contain:
the name, address, and signature of the owner of the property on which the device will be installed;
the township number, range number, section, and one quartile, and the property street address if assigned, of the proposed device location;
a description of existing wells and any wells proposed to be constructed including the unique well numbers, locations, well depth, diameters of bore holes and casing, depth of casing, grouting methods and materials, and dates of construction;
a description of the heat pump unit including the manufacturer's name, model number, maximum water flow rate in gallons per minute, name of proposed installer, and proposed installation date;
water withdrawal information, pumping schedule with rates in gallons per minute, times and duration, and the total amount of water to be injected into the aquifer;
the specifications for piping including the materials to be used for piping, the flow control valve setting, the provisions for pressure testing the system, and the provisions for disinfection of the completed system; and
The diagram must show that the proposed piping system includes:
a device to provide automatic shutdown of the system if the discharge line pressure is below 15 psi;
The groundwater thermal exchange device must be constructed within 18 months of the date the permit is issued.
MS s 103I.101; 103I.111; 103I.205; 103I.221; 103I.301; 103I.401; 103I.451; 103I.501; 103I.525; 103I.531; 103I.535; 103I.541; 103I.621; 144.05; 144.12; 144.122; 144.383; 157.04; 157.08; 157.09; 157.13
17 SR 2773; 18 SR 1222; 33 SR 211
September 2, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes