Part | Title |
4720.0020 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.0030 | FLUORIDATION. |
4720.0100 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.0200 | JUSTIFICATION. |
4720.0300 | SCOPE AND COVERAGE. |
4720.0400 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.0500 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.0600 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.0700 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.0800 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.0900 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.1000 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.1100 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.1200 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.1300 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.1400 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.1500 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.1510 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.1600 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.1700 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.1800 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.1900 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.2000 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.2100 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.2200 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.2400 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.2500 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.2600 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.2800 | [Repealed, 18 SR 1960] |
4720.2900 | [Repealed, 18 SR 1960] |
4720.3000 | [Repealed, 18 SR 1960] |
4720.3100 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.3200 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.3300 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.3400 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.3500 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.3510 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.3600 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.3700 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.3800 | RIGHT OF INSPECTION. |
4720.3900 | [Repealed, 15 SR 1842] |
4720.3910 | [Repealed, 18 SR 1960] |
4720.3922 | INTAKES. |
4720.3925 | SHORE WELLS. |
4720.3935 | SEDIMENTATION. |
4720.3940 | SOLIDS CONTACT UNIT. |
4720.3942 | FILTRATION. |
4720.3957 | CHEMICAL ADDITION. |
4720.3960 | CHEMICAL STORAGE. |
4720.3962 | CHEMICAL HANDLING. |
4720.3965 | DISINFECTION. |
4720.4000 | PURPOSE. |
4720.4100 | DEFINITIONS. |
4720.4200 | WATER HAULER. |
4720.4300 | TANK REQUIREMENTS. |
4720.4500 | TESTING. |
4720.4600 | RECORDS. |
4720.5000 | [Repealed, 17 SR 2715] |
4720.5100 | DEFINITIONS. |
4720.5110 | APPLICABILITY. |
4720.5400 | DATA ELEMENTS. |
4720.9000 | PURPOSE. |
4720.9005 | DEFINITIONS. |
4720.9010 | ELIGIBILITY. |
4720.9040 | FINANCIAL NEED. |
4720.9075 | SANCTIONS. |
4720.9080 | DISPUTES. |
No system of water supply or system for the on-site disposal of sewage where such system is for public use or for the use of any considerable number of persons, or in case any such system affects or tends to affect the public health in any manner, shall be installed by any public agency or by any person or corporation, nor shall any such existing system be materially altered or extended, until complete plans and specifications for the installation, alteration, or extension, together with such information as the commissioner of health may require, have been submitted in duplicate and approved by the commissioner of health insofar as any features thereof affect or tend to affect the public health, and no construction shall take place except in accordance with the approved plans. A well installed or materially altered for the purpose of providing water to a noncommunity or nontransient noncommunity water supply is exempt from this part.
L 1977 c 305 s 39; 18 SR 1222
October 27, 2003
New water systems shall not commence operation until the commissioner approves plans and specifications as required in part 4720.0010 and approves documentation submitted under this part that demonstrates a system's technical, managerial, and financial capacities.
Technical capacity must be demonstrated by:
the system employing or contracting with a water operator certified according to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 115, effective the first day of system operation.
Managerial capacity must be demonstrated by:
the system providing the identification, location, and contact method for the system's owner, manager, or chief executive officer; and
the system employing or contracting with a water operator certified according to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 115, effective the first day of system operation.
Financial capacity must be demonstrated by the water system's owner, chief financial officer, or chief executive officer certifying that responsible individuals in the system have reviewed the potential and actual costs of operating and maintaining a public water system and the system has the financial capability to meet the following actual and potential costs:
MS s 144.383
24 SR 301
October 27, 2003
All plans for water supply system construction, alteration, or extension submitted for review and approval to the Department of Health as required in part 4720.0010 shall be accompanied by the appropriate fees, as prescribed below:
booster stations, $150.
The appropriate fees shall be paid by check made payable to "Minnesota Department of Health."
MS s 144.383
10 SR 1687
October 3, 2013
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
There shall be no physical connection between any public water supply system intended for potable or domestic use and any system, equipment, or device that may serve as a source of contamination, unless protected by a properly maintained backflow preventer approved by the commissioner. Backflow prevention for fire sprinkler systems must comply with American Water Works Association Standard M14, section 6.3, as referenced in part 4715.2110.
MS s 144.383
18 SR 1960
October 27, 2003
This part shall be applicable to all municipal water supplies, as required by Minnesota Statutes, section 144.145.
The fluoride content of the water shall be controlled to maintain an average concentration of 0.7 milligrams per liter; the concentration shall be neither less than 0.5 milligrams per liter nor more than 0.9 milligrams per liter.
The chemical feeder apparatus for introducing fluoride to the water supply shall conform to the standards of the commissioner of health.
Equipment for the adequate and reliable testing of the fluoride content shall be furnished for each installation. The method of testing the fluoride content of the water shall be approved by the commissioner of health. Approval shall require either a photometric colorimetric procedure, preceded when necessary by distillation or other treatment to remove interfering materials, or a fluoride-specific electrode and an associated potential measuring device. Continuous monitoring systems shall be approved when they can be installed to monitor a representative portion of the entire supply.
Samples shall be collected daily at a point(s) in the distribution system representative of the entire supply. Sampling point(s) shall be located downstream sufficiently distant from the point(s) at which fluoride is fed into the water supply to ensure that the distance traversed and the time elapsed since the introduction of the fluoride concentrate is adequate to allow its complete mixing with the water. At least once each three months, at a time designated by the commissioner of health, a duplicate of the usual daily sample(s) shall be collected in containers furnished by the commissioner of health and sent to the Department of Health for comparative analysis.
Daily records of water fluoridation plant operations shall be maintained by the owners, officials, or their representatives. These records shall show the amount of water pumped, amount of fluoride chemical fed, fluoride test results, and any other pertinent information required by the commissioner of health. A report of the operation of each water fluoridation plant shall be submitted monthly to the commissioner of health on forms furnished by them.
L 1977 c 305 s 39; 44 SR 1030
April 22, 2020
No governing body of any municipality shall enter into any contract or agreement or renewal thereof for the furnishing and distribution, either or both, of water to be used for domestic purposes within the municipality until the approval of the commissioner of health, insofar as the sanitary features of the water supply system are concerned, has been obtained.
L 1977 c 305 s 39
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
Parts 4720.0200 to 4720.3970 are adopted pursuant to the Safe Drinking Water Act, Minnesota Statutes, sections 144.381 to 144.388, which requires that the commissioner of health adopt for all public water supplies rules which are at least as stringent as the federal regulations dealing with public water supplies adopted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, in order for the commissioner to be able to assume the primary responsibility for enforcing the federal act.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 27, 2003
Parts 4720.0200 to 4720.3970 prescribe standards for water supply siting and construction, set maximum contaminant levels for turbidity, microbiological constituents, organic and inorganic chemicals, and radioactivity, prescribe a frequency for monitoring the levels of these constituents and sodium and corrosivity, and prescribe the procedures for reporting results, notifying the public and for maintaining records.
The standards and procedures adopted in parts 4720.0200 to 4720.3970 inclusive shall apply to all public drinking water supplies, pursuant to authority granted by existing statutes and amendments thereto, notwithstanding any other water quality standards or regulations.
A water supply which meets all of the following requirements shall not be a public supply for the purpose of parts 4720.0200 to 4720.3970:
consists only of distribution and storage facilities and does not have any collection and treatment facilities;
obtains all of its water from, but is not owned or operated by a public water supply to which the regulations apply;
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 27, 2003
The National Primary Drinking Water Regulations in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 141, and sections 142.40 to 142.64, are incorporated by reference in parts 4720.0200 to 4720.3970 and are subject to the alterations and amendments contained in parts 4720.0200 to 4720.3970.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842; 18 SR 1960; 24 SR 301
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
"Capacity" means the overall capability of a public water system to reliably produce and deliver water meeting all national primary drinking water regulations in effect, or likely to be in effect, on the date of commencement of operation. Capacity encompasses the technical, managerial, and financial capabilities that enable the water system to plan for, achieve, and maintain compliance with drinking water standards found in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
"Central water treatment" means providing treatment at a common location or facility and subsequently delivering it to the consumer of the public water supply.
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
"Commissioner of health" means the authority established by Minnesota Statutes, sections 144.381 to 144.387, for enforcement in the state of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations and parts 4720.0200 to 4720.3970. For purposes of enforcing the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, title 40, part 141, the term "state" contained in those regulations means the commissioner of health.
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
"Composite" means a sampling technique in which two or more samples are combined before an analysis is performed.
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
"Distribution system" means a network of pipes, valves, storage reservoirs, and pumping stations that delivers water to homes, businesses, and industries for drinking and other uses.
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
"Entry point samples" means water samples collected at a location after any application of treatment but before the water is delivered to any consumer.
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
"Environmental Protection Agency methods" means methods contained in Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Finished Drinking Water and Raw Source Water, September 1986. These methods are issued by the Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory (EMSL) of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio 45268. These methods are incorporated by reference and are not subject to frequent change. The methods are available through the Minitex interlibrary loan system.
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
"Federal act" means the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, Public Law 93-523, title 42, United States Code, section 300f to 300j-11.
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
"Federal regulations" means regulations dealing with public water supplies and drinking water quality, adopted by the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to the federal act.
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
"Financial capacity" means a public water system's ability to acquire and manage sufficient financial resources to allow the system to achieve and maintain compliance with drinking water standards found in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
"Groundwater" means the water in the zone of saturation in which all of the pore spaces of the subsurface material are filled with water. The water that supplies a well is groundwater.
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
"Managerial capacity" means a public water system's institutional and administrative capabilities to allow the system to achieve and maintain compliance with drinking water standards found in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
For purposes of capacity development, "new water system" means a community water system (CWS) or nontransient noncommunity water system (NTNCWS) in which either there was no previously existing physical water system or the existing water system has undergone an infrastructure expansion that causes the system to satisfy the criteria for a CWS or NTNCWS as defined in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
"Technical capacity" means a public water system's physical and operational capabilities to allow the system to achieve and maintain compliance with drinking water standards found in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
"Turbidity unit" means an amount of turbidity equivalent to that in a solution composed of 0.000125 percent hydrazine sulfate and 0.00125 percent hexamethylenetetramine in distilled and filtered (100 µ pore size membrane) water, as measured by a nephelometric turbidimeter.
In section 141.2 of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the following definition is added:
"Year-round resident" means a person who resides in the area served by the public water supply for more than six months of the year.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842; 18 SR 1960; 24 SR 301
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
Section 141.21, paragraph (b), clause (1), of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations is amended to read:
If a routine sample is total coliform-positive, the public water supplier must collect a set of repeat samples within 24 hours of being notified of the positive result. A supplier must collect no fewer than four repeat samples for each total coliform-positive sample found. The commissioner of health may extend the 24-hour limit on a case-by-case basis if the supplier has a logistical problem in collecting the repeat samples within 24 hours and the problem is beyond the supplier's control. In the case of an extension, the commissioner of health shall specify how much time the supplier has to collect the repeat samples.
Section 141.21, paragraph (d), clause (2), of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations is replaced with the sentence: "Sanitary surveys will be conducted by the department."
Section 141.21, paragraph (e), clause (2), of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations is deleted.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842; 18 SR 1960
October 28, 2008
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
The commissioner may impose additional monitoring requirements if the results of a sanitary survey indicate that a public health risk may exist. The commissioner may impose a requirement for more frequent sampling if the analytical results of water tests show that a previously measured contaminant is approaching a maximum contaminant level prescribed in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 141.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842; 18 SR 1960; 24 SR 301
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
A request for a variance from parts 4720.0200 to 4720.2300 shall be submitted to the commissioner in writing and shall follow the procedures and requirements for a variance specified in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 142.20.
MS s 144.383
18 SR 1960
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 18 SR 1960]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 18 SR 1960]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 18 SR 1960]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
The commissioner, or one of its authorized representatives, upon presenting appropriate credentials to any water supplier, is authorized to enter and inspect any establishment, facility, or other property of such supplier, in order to determine whether such supplier has acted or is acting in compliance with the rules of the commissioner relating to water supplies, including for this purpose the inspection of records, files, papers, processes, controls, and facilities, or in order to test any feature of a public water supply, including its raw water source.
MS s 144.383
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 15 SR 1842]
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 18 SR 1960]
October 27, 2003
Groundwater systems determined to be under the direct influence of surface water must meet all applicable requirements contained in parts 4720.3920 to 4720.3965. The source of surface water and groundwater under the direct influence of surface water selected for a public water supply must provide the highest quality water reasonably available which, with appropriate treatment and adequate safeguards, meets the requirements specified in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, sections 141.72(b) and 141.73. The design of the treatment processes, equipment, and structures shall depend on an evaluation of the nature and quality of the particular water to be treated. Variations from the design criteria may be approved by the commissioner in cases where experimental, pilot, or full scale studies have demonstrated that acceptable results can be obtained. Any unfiltered surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of a surface water system that experiences a waterborne disease outbreak must comply with the appropriate treatment requirements contained in parts 4720.3920 to 4720.3965.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842; 18 SR 1960; 24 SR 301
October 27, 2003
Intake structures must provide:
a velocity of flow 0.25 to 0.50 feet per second through the inlet structure so frazil ice is held to a minimum;
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 27, 2003
Shore well structures must:
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 27, 2003
Pumping stations must be designed to maintain the sanitary quality of the water being pumped. All raw or finished water pump stations must:
have a floor elevation at least six inches above the finished grade and at least 24 inches above the regional flood level. Below grade installations shall be permitted only if the terrain at the site is such that a gravity drain system can be provided;
Suction wells, including installations where the pumps are installed on top of a reservoir, must:
be vented by means of a pipe or other device terminating in a screened U-bend at least 24 inches above the floor; and
have curbs a minimum of four inches around all access openings, pipes, and other equipment which extend through the top of the suction well. Access openings must have covers which overlap at least two inches.
Pumping stations must:
have at least two pumping units except where additional pumping stations which can meet the peak demand are available or where the commissioner determines that ample time will be available between pumping periods for necessary repairs. If only two units are provided, each must be capable of carrying the peak demand. If more than two units are installed, each must have sufficient capacity so that any one pump can be taken out of service with the remaining pump capable of carrying the peak demand;
have controls for proper alternation where two or more pumps are installed. Provision must be made to prevent operation of the pump during the backspin cycle. All electrical controls must be located above grade;
provide a power supply from at least two independent sources or from a standby, auxiliary power source; and
provide a prelubrication line with a valved bypass around the automatic control and backflow protection where required, whenever automatic prelubrication of pump bearings is necessary and an auxiliary power supply is provided.
A suction lift shall be allowed only for distances of less than 15 feet and where provision is made for priming the pumps. A suction lift shall not be permitted if used with buried piping carrying finished water.
Prime water must not be of lesser sanitary quality than that of the water being pumped. Means must be provided to prevent backflow. When an air-operated ejector is used, the screened intake must draw clean air from a point at least ten feet above the ground or other source of contamination, unless the air is filtered by apparatus approved by the commissioner. Vacuum priming may be used.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 3, 2013
Facilities designed to process surface water must provide duplicate systems for flocculation and sedimentation and be constructed to permit a system to be taken out of service without disrupting operation.
Water containing high turbidity or having unusual treatment requirements shall be pretreated, usually by sedimentation or detention either with or without the addition of chemicals.
Inlets for incoming water must disperse water across the full width of the line of travel as quickly as possible; short circuiting must be prevented.
Three hours detention is the minimum period required for sedimentation. In individual cases where chemical pretreatment is required because of unusual water quality characteristics, a greater detention time shall be required.
Mixing means the rapid dispersion of chemicals throughout the water to be treated, usually by vigorous agitation.
Basins must be equipped with mechanical mixing devices unless other methods, such as baffling or injection of chemicals at a point of high velocity, are approved by the commissioner after determining that the other requirements of this chapter are met.
The detention period for mechanical mixing must be as short as possible depending on the velocity gradient provided by the mixing units.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 27, 2003
Inlet and outlet design must prevent short circuiting and destruction of floc. A drain must be provided.
Minimum flow-through velocity must be not less than 0.5 feet or greater than 1.5 feet per minute with a detention time for floc formation of at least 30 minutes.
Agitators must be driven by variable speed drives or other means which vary the peripheral speed of paddles in the range of 0.5 to 3.0 feet per second. Uniform mixing must be provided to prevent settling in the flocculation basin.
Flocculation and sedimentation basins must be as close together as possible to avoid settling out. The velocity of flocculated water through pipes or conduits to settling basins must be no less than 0.5 feet nor greater than 1.5 feet per second.
Baffling may be used to provide flocculation only after the supplier consults with the commissioner and receives the commissioner's approval. The design must maintain the velocities and flows set forth in this subpart.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 27, 2003
Sedimentation must follow flocculation. The detention time for effective water clarification shall depend on basin design and the nature of the raw water, such as turbidity, color, colloidal matter, taste, and odor causing compounds.
Facilities with a conventional sedimentation system must provide a minimum of four hours of settling time.
Inlets must be designed to distribute the water equally and at uniform velocities. A baffle must be constructed across the basin, close to the inlet end. The baffle must project far enough below the water surface to dissipate inlet velocities and provide uniform flow across the basin.
Outlet devices must maintain velocities suitable for settling in the basin and must minimize short circuiting.
The rate of flow over the outlet weir must not exceed 20,000 gallons a day per foot of weir length. If submerged ports are used as an alternate for overflow weirs, they must not be lower than three feet below the flow line.
Basins must be provided with a means for dewatering. Basin bottoms must slope toward the drain.
Covers or superstructures are required at all facilities. Where covers are used, manholes must be provided, as well as drop light connections, so the flow can be observed at the inlet midpoint and outlet of the basin.
The velocity through settling basins must not exceed one foot a minute. The basins must be designed to minimize short circuiting. Baffles must be provided if the commissioner determines the flow through time cannot be met.
An overflow weir or pipe must be installed which establishes the maximum water level on top of the filters. The overflow weir must discharge with a free fall at a location where the discharge is visible.
Guard rails must be installed around openings hazardous to maintenance personnel.
A facility must provide for sludge disposal. Provisions must be made for the operator to observe and sample sludge being withdrawn from the unit.
Protection must be provided for all potable water lines used to backflush sludge lines and basins or for other purposes if potable water could become contaminated by nonpotable water.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 27, 2003
A unit designed for combined water softening and sedimentation shall be permitted only if the unit is:
Supervision by a representative of the manufacturer must be provided whenever mechanical equipment is installed at the facility and, also, at the time of initial operation.
Sampling taps must be located to permit the collection of water samples from the solids contact unit.
Chemicals must be applied at points and by means which ensure satisfactory mixing of the chemicals with the water.
Mixing devices must be constructed to adequately mix raw water with previously formed sludge particles, and to prevent the deposit of solids in the mixing zone.
Flocculation equipment must be adjustable so that coagulation occurs in a separate chamber or baffled zone within the unit and so that there is a flocculation and mixing period of not less than 30 minutes.
The solids contact unit must provide either internal or external concentrators which concentrate sludge and minimize wastewater.
Design of the sludge removal system must provide:
a means for an operator to observe or sample sludge being withdrawn from the solids contact unit.
Blow-off outlets and drains must terminate and discharge at places so backflow is prevented. Cross connection control must be included for all potable water lines including those used to backflush sludge lines and flush basins if potable water could become contaminated by nonpotable water.
The detention time must be established on the basis of the raw water characteristics and local conditions that affect the operation of the unit. Based on design flow rates, the minimum detention time must be two hours for suspended solids contact clarifiers, and one hour for the suspended solids contact softeners.
Softening units must be designed so continuous slurry concentrates of one percent or more, by weight, are maintained.
Units must be equipped with either overflow weirs or orifices. Weirs must be adjustable, must be at least equivalent in length to the perimeter of the tank, and must be constructed so surface water does not travel over ten feet horizontally to the collection trough.
Weir loading must not exceed 20 gallons a minute per foot of weir length for units used for softeners, or ten gallons a minute per foot of weir length for units used for clarifiers. Orifices must produce uniform rising rates over the entire area of the tank.
The upflow rates in the solid contact unit must not exceed:
1.75 gallons a minute per square foot of area at the slurry separation line if units are used for softeners; and
1.0 gallon a minute per square foot of area at the sludge separation line if units are used for clarifiers.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 27, 2003
The application of any type of filter and media must be supported by water quality data for the period of use sufficient to characterize any variation in water quality. All public systems using surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water must have filtration systems that meet the minimum requirements of parts 4720.3945 to 4720.3955. Filtration systems must meet the requirements in parts 4720.3945 to 4720.3955.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842; 18 SR 1960
October 27, 2003
Rapid rate gravity filters must only be used after coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation.
At least two filter units must be provided. Provisions must be made to meet the maximum day demand at the approved filtration rate if one filter is out of service.
The permissible rate of filtration shall be determined after consideration of factors such as raw water quality, the degree of pretreatment provided, the filter media, and water quality control parameters. In all cases the filtration rate must be reviewed and approved by a registered engineer and approved by the commissioner before the preparation of final plans.
The filter structure must be designed to:
prevent protrusion of the filter walls or other structures into the filter media or the area between the top of the media and the high water line during backwashing;
provide a trap on the effluent pipe or conduit to prevent backflow of air to the bottom of the filter;
provide a maximum velocity of treated water in the pipe and conduits to the filter of two feet per second;
provide cleanouts and straight alignment for influent pipes or conduits where solids loading is heavy or following lime-soda softening;
Wash water troughs must be designed to provide:
a maximum horizontal travel of suspended particles not exceeding three feet in reaching the trough.
Filter media must meet the standards specified in this subpart.
Sand must be:
an effective size from 0.45 millimeter to 0.55 millimeter, depending upon the quality of the raw water; and
Clean crushed anthracite, or sand and anthracite may be used as a filter media if supported by experimental data obtained from the project. Anthracite used as the only media must have an effective size from 0.45 millimeter to 0.8 millimeter and a uniformity coefficient no greater than 1.6 millimeters. Anthracite used to cap sand filters must have an effective size from 0.7 millimeter to 1.2 millimeters and a uniformity coefficient no greater than 1.85 millimeters.
Granular activated carbon may be used as a filter material only if approved by the commissioner. A request for approval must:
include a report from a registered engineer detailing raw water quality, the results of pilot plant studies, proposed flow rates, process controls to be provided, proposed operational adjustments, and justification for the project proposals;
provide for periodic treatment of the filter bed to control possible bacterial and other growths; and
Other media may be approved by the commissioner, but only on the basis of pilot tests and experience which demonstrate that the requirements of this part will be met.
Except as provided in item F, sand and gravel must be provided as supporting media according to subitems (1) and (2).
A three-inch layer of sand must be used as a supporting media for the filter sand. The sand must have an effective size from 0.8 millimeter to 2.0 millimeters, and a uniformity coefficient no greater than 1.7 millimeters.
Gravel, when used as the supporting media, must consist of hard, rounded particles and must not include flat or elongated particles. The coarsest gravel shall be no more than 2-1/2 inches in diameter in any direction when the gravel rests directly on the strainer system, and must extend above the top of the perforated laterals or strainer nozzles. No less than four layers of gravel shall be provided according to the following size and depth distribution when used with perforated laterals or strainer nozzles:
If the supplier submits substantiation to the commissioner that proprietary filter bottoms are used, the commissioner may allow elimination of certain layers of supporting media or a reduction in the depth of the layers of supporting media that are required in item E.
Departures from the standards in this subpart by using proprietary bottoms may be approved by the commissioner on a case-by-case basis if the effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by the supplier. Porous plate bottoms must not be used where iron or manganese may clog them or with water softened with lime. The design of a manifold-type collection system must:
assure even distribution of wash water and an even rate of filtration over the entire area of the filter;
provide a ratio of the area of the final openings of the strainer system to the area of the filter of not more than 0.003;
provide a total cross-sectional area of the laterals at least twice the total area of the final openings of the strainer system; and
provide a cross-sectional area of the manifold at 1-1/2 to two times the total cross-sectional area of the laterals.
Surface wash facilities consisting of either fixed nozzles or a revolving mechanism are required. All devices must be designed for:
a volume of flow of 2.0 gallons per minute per square foot of filter area with fixed nozzles and 0.5 gallons per minute per square foot with revolving arms; and
a vacuum breaker installed above the high water elevation in the filter or other device approved by the commissioner to prevent back siphonage.
The following shall be provided for every filter:
a means of monitoring the effluent from each filter for turbidity on a continuous basis or on a selective basis where one turbidimeter would monitor more than one filter on a rotating cycle. The turbidimeter must have a recorder. Access to the filter interior through wall sleeves must be provided in several locations to allow the installation of sampling lines, pressure sensors, and other devices, at different depths in the filter media; and
a one to 1-1/2 inch pressure hose and rack at the operating floor for washing the filter walls.
Facilities must provide for the washing of filters as follows:
by filtered water at a rate no less than 15 gallons per square foot per minute from wash water tanks, a wash water pump from a reservoir, or a high service main, or a combination of these;
by wash water pumps in duplicate unless an alternate means of obtaining wash water is available;
by a wash water regulator or valve on the wash water line to obtain the desired rate of filter wash;
by a rate-of-flow indicator and totalizer on the main wash water line, located for convenient reading by the operator during the washing process; and
Roof drains must not discharge into the filters and basins or the conduits preceding the filters.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 27, 2003
The use of slow rate gravity filters shall require an engineering study to demonstrate the adequacy and suitability of this filtration method for a specific raw water supply. The standards in this part shall be applied to determine the adequacy and suitability of this filtration method.
Slow rate gravity filtration must be limited to water with a maximum turbidity of 50 units and maximum color of 30 units. The turbidity must not be attributable to colloidal clay. Raw water quality data must include an examination for algae.
A slow rate gravity filter must be designed to provide:
headroom to permit normal movement by operating personnel for scraping and sand removal operations;
The permissible rates of filtration must be based on the quality of the raw water as determined from experimental data. Proposed rates must be submitted to the commissioner for approval. The design rate shall be 45 to 150 gallons a day per square foot of sand area. However, rates of 150 to 230 gallons a day per square foot shall be approved when effectiveness is demonstrated by the supplier to the satisfaction of the commissioner.
Each filter unit must be equipped with a main drain and lateral drains under the filter media to collect the filtered water. The under drains must be spaced so the maximum velocity of the water flow in a lateral under drain does not exceed 0.75 feet per second. The maximum spacing of lateral under drains shall not exceed 12 feet.
A minimum depth of 30 inches of filter sand, clean and free of foreign matter, must be placed on graded gravel layers. The effective size of the filter media must be between 0.35 and 0.50 millimeter, and the uniformity coefficient must not exceed 2.5.
The supporting gravel must conform to the size and depth distribution provided for rapid rate gravity filters.
The design must provide a depth of at least three feet of water over the sand. Influent water must be distributed in a manner which does not scour the sand surfaces.
Each filter must be equipped with:
an orifice, Venturi meter, or other suitable metering device installed on each filter to enable control of the rate of filtration; and
an effluent pipe located at an elevation which maintains the water level in the filter above the top of the sand.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 27, 2003
The use of diatomaceous earth filters may be considered for application to surface water with low turbidity and low bacterial contamination. Diatomaceous earth filters must not be used for bacterial removal, color removal, or turbidity removal where either the gross quantity of turbidity exceeds 40 turbidity units or the turbidity exhibits poor filterability characteristics.
Installation of a diatomaceous earth filtration system must be preceded by a pilot plant study on the water to be treated.
Conditions of the study such as duration, filter rates, head loss accumulation, slurry feed rates, turbidity removal, and bacteria removal, must be approved by the commissioner before the study.
The pilot plant study must demonstrate the ability of the system to meet the requirements of Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 141.73(c).
Treated water storage capacity in excess of normal requirements must be provided to allow operation of the filters at a uniform rate during all conditions of system demand at or below the approved filtration rate, and to guarantee continuity of service during adverse raw water conditions without bypassing the system.
There must be at least two filters provided. Where only two filters are provided, they must each be capable of meeting the plant's design capacity at the approved filtration rate.
A uniform precoat of diatomaceous earth must be applied hydraulically to each septum by introducing a slurry to the tank influent line and employing a filter-to-waste or recirculation system. Diatomaceous earth in the amount of 0.1 pound per square foot of filter area or an amount sufficient to apply a 1/16 inch coating must be used with recirculation. When precoating is accomplished with a filter-to-waste system, 0.15 to 0.2 of a pound per square foot of filter area must be provided.
A body feed system must apply additional amounts of diatomaceous earth slurry during the filter run to avoid short filter runs or excessive head loss.
The rate of body feed shall depend on raw water quality and characteristics and must be determined in the pilot plant study in subpart 2.
The minimum rate of filtration is 1.0 gallon a minute per square foot of filter area with a maximum of 1.5 gallons a minute per square foot. The filtration rate must be mechanically controlled.
A recirculation or holding pump must be used to maintain differential pressure across the filter when the unit is not in operation to prevent the filter cake from dropping off the filter elements. A minimum recirculation rate of 0.1 gallon a minute per square foot of filter area must be provided.
The filter elements must be structurally capable of withstanding maximum pressure and velocity variations during filtration and backwash cycles, and must be spaced so no less than one inch is provided between elements or between any element and a wall.
The filter influent must be designed to prevent scour of the diatomaceous earth from the filter element.
A satisfactory method to thoroughly remove and dispose of spent filter cake must be provided.
A continuous monitoring turbidimeter with recorder is required on the filter effluent for plants treating surface water.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842; 24 SR 301
October 27, 2003
A full scale direct filtration plant must not be constructed without a pilot study acceptable to the commissioner. An in-plant demonstration study shall be appropriate where conventional treatment plants are converted to direct filtration. Where direct filtration is proposed, the supplier must submit an engineering report to the commissioner. The commissioner must approve the report before the supplier conducts a pilot plant or in-plant demonstration study.
The engineering report must include a historical summary of meteorological conditions and of raw water quality with special reference to fluctuations in quality and possible sources of contamination. The following raw water parameters must be evaluated in the report:
additional parameters as required by the reviewing authority.
The report must also include a description of methods and work to be done during a pilot plant study or where appropriate, an in-plant demonstration study.
After approval of the engineering report, a pilot study or, for existing plants where conventional treatment is being converted to direct filtration, an in-plant demonstration study, shall be conducted. The study must be conducted over a sufficient time to treat all expected raw water conditions throughout the year. The pilot plant filter must be of a similar type and operated in the same manner as proposed for full scale operation. The study shall emphasize but not be limited to, the following items:
a description of the adverse impact of recycling backwash water due to solids, algae, trihalomethane formation and similar problems.
Before initiation of design plans and specifications, the supplier shall submit a final report including the engineer's design recommendations. The study must demonstrate the minimum contact time necessary for optimum filtration for each coagulant proposed.
The final rapid mix and flocculation basin design shall be based on the pilot plant or in-plant demonstration studies augmented with applicable portions of parts 4720.3930, subpart 3, and 4720.3932.
Filters must be rapid rate gravity filters, with dual or mixed media. The final filter design must be based on the pilot plant or in-plant demonstration studies augmented by applicable portions of part 4720.3945, subparts 1 to 7. Pressure filters or single media sand filters must not be used.
Surface wash, subsurface wash, or air scour must be provided for the filters according to part 4720.3945, subpart 8.
Provisions for filtration to waste must be provided with measures for backflow prevention according to chapter 4714.
The plant design and land ownership surrounding the plant must allow for the installation of conventional sedimentation basins should the commissioner find that the installation of the direct filtration methods specified in this part do not achieve the water quality standard indicated in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 141.73(a)(1), as amended through June 29, 1989.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842; 40 SR 71
April 1, 2016
If chemical feed such as chlorination, coagulation, or other processes are necessary for the protection of the water supply, a minimum of two feeders must be provided so a standby unit or combination of units is available to replace the largest unit during shutdowns. Spare parts must be available for all feeders to replace parts subject to wear and damage.
The design of the facility must ensure that:
feeders supply, at all times, the necessary amounts of chemical at an accurate rate, throughout the range of feed. To allow for changes in pumping or application rates, the feeder must be designed to operate between 30 and 70 percent of the feeder range on initial start-up. If this is not possible with stock chemical solution, the chemical must be diluted;
chemical solutions are prevented from being siphoned into the water supply by assuring discharge at points of positive pressure and by providing antisiphon devices, or through a suitable air gap or other effective means approved by the commissioner;
the service water supply is protected from contamination by chemical solutions either by equipping the supply line with backflow or backsiphonage prevention devices, or by providing an air gap of two pipe diameters, but not less than three inches, between the supply line and top of the solution tank;
no direct connection exists between any sewer and a drain or overflow from the feeder or solution chamber or tank.
Chemical feed equipment must be:
located and have protective curbings to prevent chemicals from equipment failure, spillage, or accidental drainage from entering the water in conduits, and treatment or storage basins; and
Feeders must be manually or automatically controlled if the water supply pumps are manually controlled. Where pumps are automatically controlled, the feeders must be automatically controlled. In all cases, automatic control shall be capable of reverting to manual control when necessary.
Automatic chemical feed rate control may be used in combination with residual analyzers which have alarms for critical values and recording charts.
Weighing scales:
are required for solution feed unless a comparable means for determining use is approved by the commissioner;
Feed lines must:
be as short as possible in length of run; of durable, corrosion resistant material; easily accessible throughout entire length; protected against freezing; and readily cleanable;
be designed consistent with the scale-forming or solids-depositing properties of the water, chemical, solution, or mixture conveyed;
Water used for dissolving dry chemicals, diluting liquid chemicals, or operating chemical feeders must be from a safe, approved source with appropriate backflow prevention provided. The commissioner may grant an exception in cases where the finished water quality is not affected by addition of the chemical mixed with untreated water.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 27, 2003
Covered or unopened shipping containers must be provided for storage unless the chemical is transferred into an approved covered storage unit. Solution tanks must have overlapping covers.
Solution storage or day tanks supplying feeders directly must have sufficient capacity for one day of operation. When the chemical solution is prepared from a powder or slurry, two solution tanks are required to assure continuity of feed.
Storage must be constructed of or lined with materials compatible with the chemical being handled.
Mixing equipment must be provided where necessary to assure a uniform chemical solution strength.
Means must be provided to accurately determine the amount of chemical applied either by measurement of the solution level in the tank or by weighing scales. A meter must be provided on the water fill line to a fluoride saturator. Liquid chemical storage tanks must have a liquid level indicator.
Means to drain tanks must be provided in the storage space, but there must be no direct connection between any drain piping and a sewer. Drain piping must terminate at least two pipe diameters, but not less than three inches, above the overflow rim of a receiving sump, conduit, or waste receptacle.
Overflow pipes must be turned downward, be screened, have a free discharge, and be in a conspicuous location.
Where subsurface locations for solution or storage tanks are provided, the tanks must be free from sources of possible contamination and located to assure drainage for groundwater, accumulated water, chemical spills, and overflows.
Incompatible chemicals must not be stored or handled in common areas.
Gases from feeders, storage, and equipment exhausts must be conveyed to the outside atmosphere above grade and remote from air intakes. Acid storage tanks must be vented to the outside but not through vents in common with day tanks.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 27, 2003
Equipment must be provided in the handling facility to measure the chemicals used to prepare feed solutions.
Provision must be made for the transfer of dry chemicals from shipping containers to storage bins or hoppers in a way that minimizes dust. Control must be provided by use of one of the following:
Acids must be kept in closed, acid-resistant shipping containers or storage units. Transfer from shipping containers to solution or day tanks must be through suitable hose or pipe by means of a transfer pump.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 27, 2003
Chlorine must be the principal agent used to disinfect the water supply. Other agents may be approved by the commissioner on a case-by-case basis provided reliable feeding equipment is available and testing procedures for a residual are recognized in the 16th edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (1985). This edition is incorporated by reference, is not subject to frequent change, and is available through the Minitex interlibrary loan system.
A gas chlorinator or a positive displacement hypochlorite feeder must be provided by the supplier.
The chlorinator capacity must provide that a free chlorine residual of at least two mg/1 is attained in the water after a contact time of at least 30 minutes when maximum flow rates coincide with anticipated maximum chlorine demands. The equipment must be designed to operate accurately over the desired feed range.
Where chlorination is needed to protect the water supply, standby equipment of sufficient capacity must be available to replace the largest unit during shutdowns.
Automatic proportioning chlorinators are required where the rate of flow is not reasonably constant or where the rate of flow of the water is not manually controlled.
To determine the contact time of the chlorine in water, ammonia, taste-producing substances, temperature, bacterial quality, trihalomethane formation potential and other pertinent factors must be considered. All basins used for disinfection must be designed to minimize short circuiting.
At plants treating surface water, provisions must be made for applying chlorine to the raw water, settled water, filtered water, and water entering the distribution system. The contact time required in item B must be provided after filtration.
Surface water supplies using free residual chlorination must provide a minimum contact time of two hours. When combined residual chlorination is used for surface water supplies, a minimum of three hours contact time must be provided.
Residual testing equipment must measure residuals to the nearest 0.1 mg/1 in the range below 0.5 mg/1 and to the nearest 0.2 mg/1 between 0.5 mg/1 to 2.0 mg/1.
The water supply piping must be designed to prevent contamination of the treated water supply by water sources of impure or unknown quality.
Chlorine gas feed and storage must be:
separated from other operating areas by gas-tight enclosures to prevent injury to personnel and damage to equipment;
provided with an inspection window installed in an interior wall or exterior door to permit viewing of the interior of the room and the equipment;
provided with doors having emergency or panic hardware and opening outward to the building exterior;
designed so the ejector for mixing chlorine gas and water is located in the chlorine room where chlorine gas under pressure is used.
One complete air change a minute must be provided when the chlorine room is occupied. In addition:
the exhaust fan suction must be near the floor with the point of discharge located to avoid contamination of air inlets to other rooms and structures or blockage by snow or other obstructions;
air inlets must be located near the ceiling and controlled to prevent adverse temperature variation;
the exhaust fan switch must be located at the entrance to the chlorine room with a signal light indicating fan operation when the fan is controlled from more than one point; and
vents from feeder and storage units must discharge to the outside atmosphere, above grade as indicated in item A.
Housing and ventilation for ammoniation must be provided as specified in subparts 9 and 10. Ammonia storage and feed facilities must be separate from chlorine facilities because of the combustion hazard. A plastic bottle of hydrochloric acid must be available and used for leak detection.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 27, 2003
The commissioner of health shall grant a variance to parts 4720.3920 to 4720.3965 according to the procedures and criteria in parts 4717.7000 to 4717.7050.
MS s 144.383
15 SR 1842
October 27, 2003
Parts 4720.4000 to 4720.4600 are adopted for the purpose of assuring that sanitary procedures are followed by those who distribute drinking water by tank truck and that the public health is thereby preserved. The authority for adopting parts 4720.4000 to 4720.4600 may be found in Minnesota Statutes 1976, section 144.12, subdivision 1, clause (5) as amended by Laws of Minnesota 1977, chapter 66, section 10 which states that the commissioner of health may regulate the "distribution of water by persons."
October 27, 2003
"Approved source" means a public water supply which is in compliance with state rules relating to water supplies, and is equipped with a permanent overhead delivery system designed to prevent the introduction of biological or chemical contaminants.
"Commissioner" means the commissioner of health or his or her authorized representative.
"Corrosion-resistant" means capable of maintaining original surface characteristics under the prolonged influence of the use environment, including the expected water contact and normal use of cleaning compounds and sanitizing solutions.
"Easily cleanable" means readily accessible, and of such material and finish and so fabricated that cleaning can be accomplished by hand scrubbing.
"Sanitize" means the bactericidal treatment of the interior surfaces of the tank by a process which has proven effective and does not leave a toxic residue.
"Water hauler" or "hauler" means a person engaged in bulk vehicular transportation of water to other than the hauler's household, which is intended for use or used for drinking or domestic purposes.
17 SR 1279
October 3, 2013
The water hauler shall consult with regional district personnel of the Minnesota Department of Health before implementing any questionable procedures.
October 3, 2013
The tank shall be constructed of stainless steel or be lined with glass or other acceptable, corrosion resistant and nontoxic material, with rounded corners and a smooth surface so that the interior may be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.
The system shall be completely closed except for vents which are properly constructed and screened.
The inlets and outlets shall be easy to clean and so located and protected as to minimize the hazard of contamination.
The outlet hose from the tank shall be maintained in a sanitary condition at all times, shall be flushed clean prior to every delivery, and shall not impart any taste or odor to the water.
The tank shall never have been used to haul any materials which might have a deleterious effect on health or on the quality of the water being transported. If the tank has been used for transporting any materials other than water, the hauler shall obtain the approval of the commissioner before using the tank to haul water for drinking or domestic use.
October 3, 2013
The tank and all fittings shall be cleaned and sanitized according to the following procedures before they can be used to haul water, and thereafter once per week: the tank shall be cleaned by scrubbing manually with brushes and noncorrosive detergents, or by automation using a spray ball within the tank which provides cleaning solution with sufficient velocity to remove all soil from the tank interior; the tank and fittings shall then be rinsed.
The tank and fittings shall be sanitized by any of the following methods:
filling with water from an approved source to which 50 parts per million chlorine has been added, mixing and allowing it to stand for three to four hours; or 100 parts per million chlorine for not less than 20 minutes; or
the commissioner may approve the use of an alternate sanitizing method if the supplier can show that the use of the alternate method assures a level of biocidal activity comparable to that provided by the use of chlorine.
The tank may be cleaned and sanitized in a single step by using a commercial detergent sanitizer according to the manufacturer's directions.
After sanitizing, the tank shall be drained, and the tank and fittings shall be rinsed with water from an approved source.
The hauler shall add sufficient chlorine to assure that there is one part per million free chlorine residual when the last remaining quantity of water is delivered to a user. The hauler shall test the chlorine residual in each tankful of water using the DPD method.
October 3, 2013
Once each month the hauler shall collect a sample of water from each tank and shall submit the water sample to the state Department of Health laboratory for a bacteriological analysis. Sample collecting bottles for this purpose may be obtained from any Minnesota Department of Health regional district office or by writing to the Minnesota Department of Health, Section of Analytical Services, 717 Delaware Street SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440.
October 27, 2003
The hauler shall retain a written log for each tank and shall record therein:
the date on which the tank is filled and the name of the approved source from which the water is obtained;
October 27, 2003
[Repealed, 17 SR 2715]
October 27, 2003
The terms used in parts 4720.5100 to 4720.5590 have the meanings given them in Minnesota Statutes, section 103I.005 and in this part.
"Angle of ambient groundwater flow" means the direction of groundwater flow through an aquifer undisturbed by pumping or human-caused activities. The angle of ambient groundwater flow is expressed in degrees, ranging from 0 to 360 degrees, and is measured in a clockwise direction from geographical north, not magnetic north.
"Aquifer test plan" means the document containing the plan by which the aquifer transmissivity value will be calculated for a public water supply well, as required under part 4720.5540.
"Community water supply" has the meaning given to "community water system" in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.2 (1992 and as subsequently amended).
"Confined aquifer" has the meaning given in part 7045.0020, subpart 10.
"Contingency strategy" means the part of a wellhead protection plan that describes an organized, planned, and coordinated course of action that identifies the location and provision of an alternate drinking water supply if the public water supply is disrupted by mechanical failure or contamination.
"Drinking water supply management area" means the surface and subsurface area surrounding a public water supply well, including the wellhead protection area, that must be managed by the entity identified in a wellhead protection plan. The boundaries of the drinking water supply management area are:
section, half-section, quarter-section, quarter-quarter-section, or other fractional section lines of the United States public land survey;
"Drinking water supply management area vulnerability" means an assessment of the likelihood for a potential contaminant source within the drinking water supply management area to contaminate a public water supply well based on:
"Geographic reference point" means a location on the earth's surface that is referenced in:
"Groundwater" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 115.01, subdivision 6.
"Hydraulic gradient" means the slope of the water table or potentiometric surface.
"Inner wellhead management zone" means the land within a 200-foot radius of a public water supply well.
"Isolation distance" means the distance from a contamination source as described in parts 4725.4450 and 4725.5850.
"Local unit of government" has the meaning given in part 8405.0110, subpart 5.
"Municipal public water supply well" means a public water supply well owned, managed, or operated by a municipality as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 103B.305, subdivision 6.
"Noncommunity water supply" has the meaning given to "noncommunity water system" in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.2 (1992 and as subsequently amended).
"Nontransient noncommunity water supply" has the meaning given to "nontransient noncommunity water system" in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.2 (1992 and as subsequently amended).
"Official controls" has the meaning given in part 8405.0110, subpart 7.
"Potential contaminant source" means any human-related activity that presents a risk to groundwater quality.
"Public water supplier" or "supplier" has the meaning given to "supplier of water" in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.2 (1992 and as subsequently amended).
"Public water supply" or "supply" has the meaning given to "public water system" in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.2 (1992 and as subsequently amended).
"Public water supply well" means a well as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 103I.005, subdivision 21, that serves a public water supply and is not a dewatering well or a monitoring well serving a public water supply.
"Pumping discharge rate" means the volume of water discharged by a well per unit of time.
"Pumping test" means a test, as described in parts 4720.5520 and 4720.5530, that is used to determine the aquifer transmissivity.
"Related land resources" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 103B.305, subdivision 8.
"Remaining portion of the wellhead protection plan" means that portion of the wellhead protection plan that remains to be completed after the public water supplier has fulfilled the requirements of parts 4720.5320 and 4720.5330.
"Specific capacity test" means the productivity of a well obtained by dividing the gallons of water pumped per unit time by the number of feet the water level in the well is lowered due to its pumping.
"State identifier" means the unique number assigned by the department to a well or the number assigned by a state agency responsible for a potential source of contamination.
"Time of travel" means the amount of time over which groundwater will move through a portion of an aquifer and the overlying geologic materials to recharge a well in use.
"Transient noncommunity water supply" means a public water supply that is not a community water supply or a nontransient noncommunity water supply.
"Transmissivity" means the product of the average hydraulic conductivity and the saturated thickness of the aquifer. Hydraulic conductivity means the volume of water that will move through a porous medium in unit time under a unit hydraulic gradient through a unit area measured at right angles to groundwater flow.
"Unconfined aquifer" has the meaning given in part 6115.0630, subpart 17.
"Watershed district" means a district established under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 103D.
"Watershed management organization" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 103B.205, subdivision 13.
"Well vulnerability" means an assessment of the likelihood of contamination entering a public water supply well based on the criteria specified in part 4720.5550, subpart 2.
"Wellhead protection" means a method of preventing well contamination by effectively managing potential contaminant sources in all or a portion of the well's recharge area.
"Wellhead protection measure" means a method adopted and implemented by a public water supplier to prevent contamination of a public water supply, and approved by the department under parts 4720.5110 to 4720.5590.
"Wellhead protection plan" or "plan" means a document that provides for the protection of a public water supply, is submitted to the department, is implemented by the public water supplier, and complies with:
the wellhead protection elements specified in the 1986 amendments to the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, United States Code, title 42, chapter 6A, subchapter XII, part C, section 300h-7 (1986 and as subsequently amended); and
MS s 103I.101
22 SR 668
October 27, 2003
A public water supplier must:
maintain the isolation distances for new contaminant sources specified in parts 4725.4450 and 4725.5850 for potential contamination sources located around the public water supply well following the schedule specified in part 4720.5120;
monitor potential contaminant sources that were in existence, recorded, or authorized before May 10, 1993, and that are not in compliance with parts 4725.4450 and 4725.5850; and
implement wellhead protection measures for potential contaminant sources within the inner wellhead management zone.
For a community public water supply well and a nontransient noncommunity public water supply well, the public water supplier must:
MS s 103I.101
22 SR 668
October 27, 2003
Wellhead protection measures for the inner wellhead management zone of a public water supply well must be initiated:
before June 1, 1999, for an existing nontransient noncommunity water supply well serving a child care center regulated under chapter 9503 or a school;
before June 1, 2001, for an existing transient noncommunity water supply well serving a facility licensed by the department;
MS s 103I.101
22 SR 668
October 27, 2003
In addition to the requirements of part 4720.0010, a well construction plan for a new municipal public water supply well must have:
an assessment of the impacts that existing land use and existing water use in the preliminary wellhead protection area, as described in subpart 2, may have on the movement of contaminants resulting from human activity to the aquifer serving the proposed municipal public water supply well.
A preliminary wellhead protection area must be delineated using the criteria in this subpart.
An initial wellhead protection plan must be completed and submitted by the public water supplier for all the wells in a public water supply system within two years after:
In addition to the two years allowed in subpart 3, the public water supplier has an additional six months to submit the plan:
if pumping of a well that is not a part of the water supply system influences the boundaries of the wellhead protection area being delineated.
MS s 103I.101
22 SR 668
October 27, 2003
The data elements identified in the scoping decision notice under parts 4720.5310, subpart 2, and 4720.5340, subpart 2, must be assessed by the public water supplier.
A wellhead protection plan must assess the present and future implications of the data elements required in subpart 1 on:
MS s 103I.101
22 SR 668
October 27, 2003
A wellhead protection plan must have a map showing the boundaries of the wellhead protection area that were determined using the criteria in part 4720.5510.
A wellhead protection plan must document the delineation of the wellhead protection area. The documentation must:
describe the delineation method used, including assumptions, and the supporting documentation for the assumptions;
describe all parameters, other than the delineation criteria described in part 4720.5510, used for the delineation;
describe the delineation results, including:
a narrative describing the uncertainties relating to the accuracy of the calculated wellhead protection area boundaries;
contain a copy of the calculations performed or, when a computer model is used, the electronic data input and solution file.
A wellhead protection plan must have a map showing the boundaries of the drinking water supply management area. The boundary of the drinking water supply management area must follow the wellhead protection area as closely as possible.
MS s 103I.101
22 SR 668
October 27, 2003
A wellhead protection plan must describe the results of the well vulnerability assessment conducted according to part 4720.5550.
A wellhead protection plan must have an assessment of the drinking water supply management area vulnerability.
A wellhead protection plan must document the vulnerability assessment of the drinking water supply management area. The documentation must:
describe the geologic conditions throughout the drinking water supply management area from the land surface to the aquifer used by the public water supply well;
contain maps, diagrams, reports, studies, and tables that were prepared to support the drinking water supply management area vulnerability assessment.
MS s 103I.101
22 SR 668
October 27, 2003
A wellhead protection plan must identify and describe expected changes that may occur during the next ten years to:
A wellhead protection plan must list, describe, and assess the possible impact on the aquifer serving the public water supply well resulting from:
the administrative, technical, and financial considerations of the public water supplier and the property owners within the drinking water supply management area.
MS s 103I.101
22 SR 668
October 27, 2003
A wellhead protection plan must identify water use and land use issues, problems, and opportunities related to:
To identify water use and land use issues, problems, and opportunities, the public water supplier must assess:
the data elements identified by the department in parts 4720.5310, subpart 2, and 4720.5340, subpart 2; and
the status and adequacy of official controls, plans, and other local, state, and federal programs on water use and land use.
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A wellhead protection plan must state goals for present and future water use and land use to provide a framework for determining plan objectives and related actions.
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A wellhead protection plan must have measurable objectives for the well and drinking water supply management area.
A wellhead protection plan must state a plan of action. A plan of action must:
A public water supplier must establish priorities in the plan of action that:
any substance that exceeds the maximum contaminant level specified in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 141 (1995 and as subsequently amended); and
the number of each potential contaminant source identified and the nature of the potential contamination associated with each source;
the time required to obtain cooperation from other public water suppliers, and local, state, and federal agencies and programs; and
A plan of action must:
describe those actions that will require the cooperation of a local unit of government or state and federal agencies; and
state whether the public water supplier has received commitments for the cooperation described in item B.
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A wellhead protection plan must identify a strategy for evaluating the progress of the plan of action and the impact of a contaminant release on the aquifer supplying the public water supply well.
The evaluation strategy must:
be based on the health risk the specific potential contaminant source presents to the public water supply well; and
Evaluation approaches are:
using monitoring data already required by existing laws and rules in effect at the time of plan adoption.
An evaluation conducted in accordance with subpart 4, item B, must be submitted to the department at the first scoping meeting held to amend an existing plan.
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A wellhead protection plan must have a contingency strategy that addresses disruptions of the water supply caused by contamination or mechanical failures of the public water supply system.
The contingency strategy must:
identify the water supply replacement alternatives, including the location of the replacement supply that will be available during a disruption;
the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and response assignments of personnel for public health, water supply operations, and public relations;
a list of services, equipment, and supplies not available but needed to respond to a disruption; and
a plan of action and time frame for obtaining the services, equipment, and supplies identified in subitem (5);
identify ways to reduce the vulnerability of the water supply system to disruption and to improve the community's response capabilities.
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A wellhead protection plan must have a copy of the data elements identified in the scoping decision notices described in parts 4720.5310, subpart 2, and 4720.5340, subpart 2.
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The procedures specified in parts 4720.5300 to 4720.5360 must be used by a public water supplier to develop and review a wellhead protection plan.
A public water supplier must identify a person to manage and coordinate plan development and implementation.
Before the development of a wellhead protection plan begins, a public water supplier must send notice of its decision to develop a plan to:
the governing bodies of counties, townships, municipalities, watershed districts, and watershed management organizations that may have jurisdiction wholly or partly within the estimated drinking water supply management area;
The notice must contain:
During the time the plan is being developed, a public water supplier must conduct at least one meeting with local units of government that may have jurisdiction in water and related land resources management within the drinking water supply management area.
A public water supplier developing a wellhead protection plan must ensure that there is a process for public participation during plan development and implementation.
A public water supplier must maintain a record of each public meeting held.
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A public water supplier and the department shall meet to discuss the data elements specified in part 4720.5400 that the department determines must be contained in the wellhead protection plan and be used to:
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An aquifer test plan as specified in part 4720.5540 must be submitted to the department by a public water supplier for department approval:
No later than 30 days after receipt of an aquifer test plan, the department shall:
If an aquifer test plan is disapproved, the department shall, as part of the notice of disapproval, provide the public water supplier with:
a written statement that identifies those portions of the disapproved aquifer test plan that require revision; and
A disapproved aquifer test plan must be revised by the public water supplier and resubmitted to the department within 45 days after receiving notice of disapproval.
On receipt of a revised aquifer test plan, the department shall follow the same review process as for an original submittal.
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Before the remaining portion of the wellhead protection plan is prepared, a public water supplier must submit to the department:
No later than 60 days after the filing of the information specified in subpart 1, the department shall:
If a wellhead protection area delineation, a drinking water supply management area boundary, or a vulnerability assessment is disapproved, the department shall, as part of its notice of disapproval, provide the public water supplier with:
a written statement that identifies those portions of the disapproved document that require revision; and
A public water supplier must revise a disapproved wellhead protection area delineation, drinking water supply management area boundary, or vulnerability assessment and submit the revision to the department within 45 days after receiving notice of disapproval.
On receipt of a revised wellhead protection area delineation, drinking water supply management area boundary, or vulnerability assessment, the department shall follow the same review process as for an original submittal.
Within 30 days of department approval, the public water supplier must submit a copy of the wellhead protection area delineation, the drinking water supply management area boundary, and the vulnerability assessments approved by the department to:
watershed districts and watershed management organizations wholly or partly within the drinking water supply management area.
Within 60 days of the receipt of the notice of approval from the department, a public water supplier must hold one public information meeting for the general public about the approved:
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A public water supplier and the department shall meet to discuss the data elements specified in part 4720.5400 that the department determines must be contained in the wellhead protection plan and used to prepare the remaining portion of the wellhead protection plan.
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The public water supplier must submit a copy of the remaining portion of the wellhead protection plan to:
watershed districts and watershed management organizations wholly or partly within the wellhead protection area.
A public water supplier must allow 60 days for the governmental units identified in subpart 1 to comment in writing on the remaining portion of the wellhead protection plan.
A public water supplier must consider comments of a local unit of government, regional development commission, watershed district, or water management organization, if any, that:
identify and describe any conflict the commenting party has with the plan, when the conflict is not already identified in the remaining portion of the wellhead protection plan; and
state the commenting party's position on a conflict identified by the public water supplier for consideration by the department during the department's review of the plan.
A public water supplier must conduct a public hearing on the wellhead protection plan after the 60-day period for local review and comment is completed and before submitting the plan to the department.
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After conducting a public hearing, a public water supplier must submit to the department six copies of:
On receipt of the items specified in subpart 1, the department shall transmit a copy of the items, along with a map of the wellhead protection area, a map of the drinking water supply management area, and the vulnerability assessment of the drinking water supply management area to:
any other state or federal agency the department determines could assist the department with the review of the plan.
The department shall:
evaluate a wellhead protection plan based on written comments from an entity specified in subpart 2 received no later than 60 days after the plan is transmitted to the entity; and
consider comments from an entity specified in subpart 2 that identifies any part of the remaining portion of a wellhead protection plan that is:
No later than 90 days after a public water supplier files the remaining portion of a wellhead protection plan, the department shall approve or disapprove the remaining portion of the wellhead protection plan based on the criteria specified in part 4720.5555, and shall provide the public water supplier notice of approval or disapproval of the wellhead protection plan.
If the remaining portion of a wellhead protection plan is disapproved, the department shall, as part of its notice of disapproval, provide the public water supplier with:
a written statement that identifies those portions of the disapproved wellhead protection plan that require revision; and
A public water supplier must revise a disapproved wellhead protection plan and submit the revision to the department within 120 days after receiving notice of disapproval.
On receipt of a revised plan, the department shall follow the same review process as for an originally submitted wellhead protection plan.
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The department shall select data elements to be used in a wellhead protection plan in accordance with parts 4720.5310 and 4720.5340 based on the hydrogeological setting and vulnerability of the well and the drinking water supply management area known at both the time the scoping meeting is held and the scoping decision notice is mailed.
The department shall select data elements about the physical environment from the areas described in items A to D.
Information about precipitation must include:
an existing table showing the average monthly and annual precipitation in inches for the preceding five years.
Information about the geology of the area must include:
an existing geologic map and a description of the geology, including aquifers, confining layers, recharge areas, discharge areas, sensitive areas as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 103H.005, subdivision 13, and groundwater flow characteristics;
existing records of the geologic materials penetrated by wells, borings, exploration test holes, or excavations, including those submitted to the department;
Information about the soil conditions must include:
a description or an existing map of known eroding lands that are causing sedimentation problems.
Information about water resources must include:
an existing map of the boundaries and flow directions of major watershed units and minor watershed units;
an existing map and a list of public waters as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 103G.005, subdivision 15, and public drainage ditches;
the shoreland classifications of the public waters listed under subitem (2), pursuant to part 6120.3000 and Minnesota Statutes, sections 103F.201 to 103F.221;
The department shall select data elements about land use from the areas described in items A and B.
Information about land use must include:
a map and an inventory of the current and historical agricultural, residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and institutional land uses and potential contaminant sources;
The department shall select data elements about water quantity from the areas described in items A and B.
Information about surface water quantity must include an existing:
list of permitted withdrawals from lakes and streams, including source, use, and amounts withdrawn;
list of lakes and streams for which state protected levels or flows have been established; and
Information about groundwater quantity must include an existing:
list of wells covered by state appropriation permits, including amounts of water appropriated, type of use, and aquifer source;
list of state environmental bore holes, including unique well number, aquifer measured, years of record, and average monthly levels.
The department shall select data elements about water quality from the areas described in items A and B.
Information about surface water quality must include an existing:
map or list of the state water quality management classification for each stream and lake; and
Information about groundwater quality must include an existing:
list of water chemistry and isotopic data from wells, springs, or other groundwater sampling points;
report to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency of contaminant spills and releases.
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Data collected for a wellhead protection plan must:
When information is presented in map form and the map is newly created for plan purposes, the map:
must have four geographic reference points with x and y coordinates, located at the extremes of the map;
The laboratory methods used to analyze a well water sample must be at least as precise as those used by the department in part 4720.0350.
The coordinate system used to define a geographic reference point must be documented, including a description of:
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A method selected to delineate a wellhead protection area must incorporate the criteria specified in subparts 2 to 6.
The location and influence of flow boundaries must be identified using existing information.
The daily volume of water pumped must be calculated for each well in the public water supply system.
The groundwater flow field must be identified for the aquifer used by the public water supply well.
Except as provided in item C, when a wellhead protection area is delineated for a public water supply well, an analytical method:
must delineate a composite wellhead protection area that uses the angles of ambient groundwater flow that are ten degrees less and ten degrees greater than the measured angle of ambient groundwater flow.
When the ambient groundwater flow field cannot be determined due to transient hydraulic conditions, seasonal differences in the hydraulic gradient and the angle of groundwater flow must be accounted for when delineating the wellhead protection area. The ambient groundwater flow field is the two dimensional representation of equipotentials and flowlines created by groundwater movement through an aquifer undisturbed by pumping or other human-caused activities.
The hydraulic gradient must be expressed as the ratio of vertical feet divided by the distance in horizontal feet.
The aquifer transmissivity must be calculated.
The aquifer transmissivity must be based on the first of the following methods that is applicable to the public water supply system:
an existing pumping test that meets the requirements of part 4720.5520 and that was previously conducted on a well in the public water supply system;
an existing pumping test that meets the requirements of part 4720.5520 and that was previously conducted on another well in a hydrogeologic setting determined by the department to be equivalent;
a pumping test that meets the requirements of part 4720.5520 and that was conducted to determine the aquifer transmissivity for a new or existing public water supply well specified in part 4720.5520, subpart 1;
a pumping test that meets the requirements of part 4720.5530 and that was conducted to determine the aquifer transmissivity for a new or an existing public water supply well specified in part 4720.5530, subpart 1;
an existing pumping test that does not meet the requirements of part 4720.5520 and that was previously conducted on:
an existing specific capacity test or a specific capacity test for the public water supply well; or
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A pumping test must be conducted as specified in this part if:
a well is accessible for measuring the water level in the aquifer used by the public water supply system;
the pump or the water distribution system can maintain a ten percent or less variation in the discharge rate;
the water storage facility of the public water supply system can hold enough water to meet the water needs for the length of the pumping test specified in subpart 5; or
the water storage facility of the public water supply system can hold the discharge water or the water disposal method is not a public safety hazard.
When a pumping test is conducted, the public water supply well must be pumped at its maximum obtainable capacity.
The water level measurements must be recorded in units of one-hundredths of a foot.
The total volume of water pumped during the pumping phase of the test must be recorded as the total gallons pumped.
The length of the pumping test for a public water supply well must be no less than:
24-continuous hours pumping, followed by a 24-continuous hour recovery period, in a confined aquifer; or
72-continuous hours pumping, followed by a 72-continuous hour recovery period, in an unconfined aquifer.
The date and time of the start and the finish of the pumping test must be recorded to the second.
For a public water supply well completed in geological materials specified in part 4720.5550, subpart 2, item D, subitem (2), at least one well or environmental bore hole must be used to monitor groundwater levels before, during, and after the pumping test.
The well or environmental bore hole used to monitor groundwater levels must be located where it is influenced by the pumping well.
The public water supplier is responsible for the construction of one well or environmental bore hole to monitor groundwater levels if an existing well or environmental bore hole cannot be used for the test requirements specified in this subpart.
During the pumping phase and recovery phase of the test for a confined aquifer, water levels in the pumping well and any well or environmental bore hole used to monitor groundwater levels must be measured with sufficient frequency to characterize the drawdown versus time response in each of the following time intervals:
During the pumping phase and recovery phase of the test for an unconfined aquifer, water levels in the pumping well and any well or environmental bore hole used to monitor groundwater levels must be measured with sufficient frequency to characterize the drawdown versus time response in each of the following time intervals:
The readings during the recovery phase of the test may be discontinued when the water levels in the pumping well and the well or environmental bore hole used to monitor groundwater level reach 95 percent recovery of the prepumping condition.
The pumping rate for a public water supply well must be recorded during the pumping phase of the test:
The final recording of the pumping rate for a public water supply well must be recorded five minutes before shutting off the pump.
When the pumping rate of a public water supply well varies by ten percent or greater from the previous reading, except for the final recording specified in subpart 12, new readings must be recorded at five-minute intervals for either the next hour or until a variation of less than ten percent is observed, whichever is the greater length of time.
Failure to record the pumping rate for a public water supply well at the times specified in subparts 11 and 12 requires the pump test to be redone.
Pumping test data must be recorded and submitted to the department on forms or electronic data file templates provided by the department.
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A pumping test must be conducted as specified in this part for public water supply systems not included under part 4720.5520, subpart 1.
When a pumping test is conducted, the public water supply well must be pumped at its maximum obtainable capacity.
The pumping discharge rate must be held to within ten percent of the discharge rate selected for the test.
The water level measurements must be recorded in units of one-hundredths of a foot.
The total volume of water pumped during the pumping phase of the test must be recorded as the total gallons pumped.
Water levels must be measured for the duration of the test, and with sufficient frequency to characterize the drawdown versus time response in each of the time intervals specified in part 4720.5520, subpart 8 for a confined aquifer setting, or subpart 9 for an unconfined aquifer setting.
The date and time of the start and the finish of the pumping test must be recorded to the second.
Pumping test data must be recorded and submitted to the department on forms or electronic data file templates provided by the department.
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An aquifer test plan must be prepared for the wells in a public water supply system and submitted to the department for approval. The aquifer test plan must contain:
a map showing the location of the pumping well and the monitoring well or environmental bore hole;
MS s 103I.101
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October 3, 2013
The department shall use the criteria specified in this part to assign priority and notify a public water supplier in writing that a wellhead protection plan must be prepared for an existing well.
A public water supply well is vulnerable if:
the well water contains quantifiable levels of pathogens as defined in part 7040.0100, subpart 26, or chemical compounds that indicate groundwater degradation as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 103H.005, subdivision 6;
the well water contains one tritium unit or more when measured with an enriched tritium detection method; or
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In addition to verifying compliance with rules, the department shall determine if the plan is based on:
hydrologic management of water criteria, including:
upgradient and downgradient effects on groundwater by actions impacting water and related land resources;
the interrelationships between surface water and groundwater, land and water use, and quality and quantity of water; and
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A public water supplier must begin implementation of a plan no later than 60 days after the public water supplier has received department approval of the plan or amendments to the plan.
A public water supplier must notify local units of government within the drinking water supply management area of the adoption of a plan or amendments to a plan no later than 60 days after the public water supplier has received department approval of the plan or amendments to the plan.
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A public water supplier must review and amend a wellhead protection plan:
if the boundaries of a wellhead protection area being delineated overlaps the boundaries of a department approved wellhead protection area of another public water supply system; or
Amendments to a wellhead protection plan must be developed and reviewed in the same manner specified in parts 4720.5300 to 4720.5360 for an initial wellhead protection plan.
The process of amending a wellhead protection plan in compliance with subpart 1, item C, must begin eight years after the date of the last approval of a plan by the department.
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The commissioner shall grant a variance to parts 4720.5200 to 4720.5570 only according to the procedures and criteria in parts 4717.7000 to 4717.7050.
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A public water supplier may use the procedures in this part to resolve any conflict between the public water supplier and the department about the development and implementation of a wellhead protection plan.
A public water supplier must request a meeting with the department by submitting a written request to the department that specifically identifies the provision of the wellhead protection plan in question and the issue involved. No later than 60 days after the meeting, the department shall notify the public water supplier in writing of the results of the meeting.
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The drinking water revolving fund provides financial assistance to eligible public drinking water suppliers for the planning, design, and construction of facilities to ensure safe and adequate drinking water. The program is jointly administered by the Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority. The Minnesota Department of Health establishes priorities for the use of the drinking water revolving fund. All projects must be approved by the Minnesota Department of Health before they may be considered for funding by the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority. Parts 4720.9000 to 4720.9080 provide, for the Minnesota Department of Health, administration of its responsibilities under Minnesota Statutes, section 446A.081. Rules governing the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority's administration of its responsibilities under Minnesota Statutes, section 446A.081, are contained in chapter 7380.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency provides capitalization grants for this program to the state of Minnesota. Financial assistance projects must be in conformance with the requirements of the Public Health Service Act, United States Code, title 42, sections 300f et seq., Public Law 104-182, title XIV, section 1452, Part E.
MS s 446A.081
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The terms defined in this part, in Minnesota Statutes, section 446A.081, and in the Public Health Service Act, apply to parts 4720.9000 to 4720.9080.
"Act" means the Public Health Service Act, United States Code, title 42, sections 300f et seq., Public Law 104-184, title XIV, section 1452, Part E.
"Commissioner" means the commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Health.
"Project priority list" means the document prepared pursuant to section 1452(b)(3)(B) of the act. The list shall identify all projects eligible for funding and the points assigned to the project as provided in parts 4720.9020 to 4720.9040.
"Treatment technique" means an enforceable procedure developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency when it is not economically or technologically feasible to ascertain the level of a contaminant and that public drinking water suppliers must follow to treat their drinking water.
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The following entities are eligible to receive funds from the drinking water revolving fund for eligible activities listed in the act:
any other governmental subdivision of the state responsible for the treatment and distribution of piped drinking water for human consumption, serving or proposing to serve a minimum of 15 connections or 15 living units, or serving or proposing to serve an average of 25 people daily for 60 days of the year.
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October 27, 2003
The commissioner must develop and maintain a project priority list for entities that have a need for a new or upgraded water supply system.
At least once a year, the commissioner must provide notification to all eligible public drinking water suppliers that requests for placement on the project priority list are being accepted. The notice must include the schedule for submittal of the requirements listed in subparts 4 and 5, or subpart 6, in order to be placed on the project priority list.
As needed, but at least once per year, the commissioner must amend the project priority list to add or delete projects.
To be eligible for placement on the project priority list, a written request for placement on the project priority list must be submitted to the commissioner. The request must include:
the type of project (planning, design, or construction) for which financial assistance is being requested;
a current cost estimate and, if different, the amount of financial assistance being requested; and
The request for inclusion of a project under the planning or design section of the project priority list must include:
The request for listing a construction project on the project priority list under this part must include:
a discussion of any existing and potential problems or failures in the current drinking water system;
an analysis of possible alternatives for the correction of the problems or failures, including a cost estimate for each alternative;
the selection of an alternative, including the reasons for the selection of this alternative and a detailed cost estimate; and
A project must be assigned project priority points before being listed on the project priority list. The commissioner must review and approve the information submitted under subpart 4, 5, or 6 before assigning project priority points. Approval must be based on the determination that the information addresses the requirements under subpart 4, 5, or 6 and an evaluation that the selected alternative will provide a solution to the problems presented. A project's priority points must be the total number of priority points assigned under parts 4720.9020 to 4720.9040. The project priority points may be recalculated when new information becomes available until the project is placed on the intended use plan as provided in part 7380.0255.
Projects must be listed on the project priority list in descending order according to the number of total priority points assigned to each one. When two or more projects have the same priority point total, the project sponsored by the entity with the lowest median household income must receive the highest priority.
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Only existing eligible public drinking water supply projects can be assigned priority points under subparts 2 to 4.
A maximum of 100 priority points may be assigned to a project as described in items A to E.
Twenty-five priority points must be assigned if there have been one or more violations defined as an acute violation in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.32(a)(1)(iii)(A), within the past 36 calendar months.
Twenty-five priority points must be assigned if there have been one or more violations defined as an acute violation in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.32(a)(1)(iii)(B), within the past 36 calendar months.
Twenty-five priority points must be assigned if there have been one or more occurrences defined as a waterborne disease outbreak in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.2, within the past 36 calendar months.
Twenty-five priority points must be assigned if there have been one or more violations of the maximum contaminant level for total coliforms pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.32(a)(1)(iii)(C), when total coliforms are determined to be present in the wells of a groundwater system or at the point of entry for a surface water system within the past 36 calendar months.
Fifteen priority points must be assigned if there have been one or more violations of the maximum contaminant level for total coliforms pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.32(a)(1)(iii)(C), when total coliforms are determined to be present in a part of the system other than the wells of a groundwater system or at the point of entry for a surface water system within the past 36 calendar months. Points may not be assigned under this item if points have been assigned under item D.
Fifteen priority points must be assigned if there have been one or more failures to comply with a treatment technique requirement pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, sections 141.70 to 141.74.
Thirteen priority points must be assigned if there have been one or more failures to comply with a treatment technique requirement, other than those referred to in item A, within the past 36 calendar months. Additional points must not be assigned for multiple failures to comply with the same requirement.
Fifteen priority points must be assigned if there has been a violation of any nonacute primary maximum contaminant levels within the past 36 calendar months.
Only projects that will result in the creation of an eligible public water supply or connection to an eligible public water supply may be assigned points under this subpart. More than 50 percent of the private wells in the proposed project service area must meet a criterion in item A or B for priority points to be assigned under item A or B. If 50 percent or less of the private wells in the proposed project service area meet a criterion, one-half of the listed points must be assigned. Results of tests, done in accordance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency approved analytical methods, must be submitted.
Twenty-five priority points must be assigned if test results indicate that a condition exists that meets the criteria in subpart 2, item A, B, C, or D.
Ten priority points must be assigned if a drinking water advisory has been issued by the Minnesota Department of Health.
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For the purposes of this part, the term "consistently provide" means that, at all times, the minimum pressures and flow rates for plumbing fixtures, as defined in the Minnesota Plumbing Code, part 4715.1770, are maintained.
For existing public drinking water suppliers serving more than 1,000 people, evidence of the implementation of an emergency and water conservation plan approved by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 103G.291, subdivision 3, must be provided to the commissioner before priority points may be assigned under this subpart.
Fifteen priority points must be assigned if an existing public drinking water supply is unable to consistently provide for the domestic water demand, excluding industrial and commercial uses.
Seven priority points must be assigned if an existing public drinking water supply is able to consistently provide domestic water demand for the uses listed under item A, but is unable to consistently provide water for other uses, including industrial and commercial uses.
Only projects that result in the creation of an eligible public water supply or connection to an eligible public water supply may be assigned points under this subpart.
Fifteen priority points must be assigned if more than 50 percent of the private wells in the proposed project service area are unable to consistently provide an adequate amount of water for general household purposes as demonstrated by an analysis of the aquifer supply and the demand for water in the area.
Five points must be assigned if 50 percent or less of the private wells in the proposed project service area meet the criteria in item A.
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Only existing eligible public drinking water supply projects may be assigned priority points under this part. A project may be assigned priority points under only one subpart. If it has been assigned points under part 4720.9020 or 4720.9025, it may not be assigned points under this part.
Seven priority points must be assigned to projects that will address a demonstrated need for a new backup well or interconnection with another public water supply.
Seven priority points must be assigned to projects that will address a demonstrated need for looping of water mains.
Seven priority points must be assigned to projects that will address a demonstrated need for chlorine feed equipment.
Six priority points must be assigned to projects that allow the supply to have one-day storage capacity equal to the average daily use.
Five priority points must be assigned to projects that will address a demonstrated need for new or upgraded public drinking water facilities if priority points have not been assigned under subpart 2, 3, 4, or 5.
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In order to be assigned priority points under this subpart, a description of the existing public drinking water supply, or portion thereof, damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster, must be submitted along with a statement that other state or federal disaster relief is not available.
Fifteen extra priority points must be assigned if more than 50 percent of the proposed project will replace or repair the existing public drinking water supply damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster.
Ten extra priority points must be assigned if 50 percent or less of the proposed project will replace or repair the existing public drinking water supply damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster.
Ten extra priority points must be assigned if the proposed project will enable an eligible public drinking water supply to comply with an administrative penalty order, bilateral compliance agreement, permit, or other enforceable document issued by the Minnesota Department of Health.
Ten extra priority points must be assigned if the proposed project will result in the consolidation of existing public drinking water suppliers.
Three extra priority points must be assigned if the proposed project, or any portion thereof, is needed in order to protect the drinking water source.
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Only projects sponsored by community public drinking water suppliers can be assigned priority points under this part.
The median household income levels of the state must be determined from income data from the most recent census of the United States or from data from the state demographer.
A municipal community public water supply must use the median household income for the appropriate political subdivision or subdivisions encompassing its service area, except as provided in item C.
A nonmunicipal community drinking water supply must use the median household income for the smallest political subdivision encompassing the nonmunicipal community drinking water supply, except as provided in item C.
If there is reason to believe that the United States census data or the data from the state demographer is not a currently accurate representation of the median household income, documentation of the reasons why the data is not an accurate representation may be submitted. If the commissioner, after review, agrees, the applicant may submit additional information regarding median household income. The information must consist of reliable data from local, regional, state, or federal sources, or from a survey conducted by a reliable impartial source. The median household income level must be updated to reflect the most current and accurate figures.
A project sponsored by a community public drinking water supply with a median household income less than either the median household income for a metropolitan or nonmetropolitan area, as applicable, must be assigned five priority points.
MS s 446A.081
22 SR 397
October 27, 2003
An applicant seeking financial assistance from the drinking water revolving fund for a construction project must submit plans and specifications to the commissioner for review and approval. Plans and specifications must:
include the latest detailed cost estimate for the project prepared by the person preparing the plans and specifications for the project;
Plans and specifications for a nonmunicipal community or noncommunity public drinking water supply project may be signed by a licensed plumber, a licensed water conditioning contractor, or a licensed water well contractor if the scope of the project is totally within the field for which the person is licensed to practice in Minnesota.
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October 27, 2003
The commissioner must approve the project upon review of the documents submitted and a determination that the project meets the applicable requirements of the act, federal regulations, Minnesota Statutes, and parts 4720.9000 to 4720.9080.
If there is significant alteration to the project after the commissioner approves the project, the eligible applicant must request in writing an amended approval. The commissioner must review the request and project alteration and, upon a determination that the project meets the applicable requirements of the act, federal regulations, Minnesota Statutes, and parts 4720.9000 to 4720.9080, the commissioner must approve the project.
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October 27, 2003
An eligible public drinking water supply may apply for emergency assistance in the case of catastrophic failure of the drinking water supply or unforeseen threats of contamination to the drinking water supply. Emergency projects need not comply with parts 4720.9015 to 4720.9050, but must be eligible under part 4720.9010.
An eligible public drinking water supply must notify the commissioner of the need for emergency remediation of threats of contamination or catastrophic failure of the drinking water supply. The notification must include the nature of the threat or failure, the proposed remediation, and estimated costs.
Upon review of the information required by subpart 2 and a determination that the project meets the applicable requirements of the act, federal regulations, Minnesota Statutes, and parts 4720.9000 to 4720.9010 and 4720.9055 to 4720.9080, the commissioner must approve the project. Approval must be based on the determination that the information demonstrates the need for emergency funding and that the proposed remediation will provide a solution to the problems presented.
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October 27, 2003
Upon approval of a project pursuant to part 4720.9050 or 4720.9055 and verification that the project is listed on the current project priority list, the commissioner must certify the project to the authority for review and consideration.
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October 27, 2003
The financial assistance recipient must notify the commissioner of the estimated date on which the operation of the project's major components is initiated or is capable of being initiated. A final inspection of the project must be performed if the commissioner determines it is necessary to verify that construction conforms with approved plans and specifications and any change orders.
The commissioner must consider the following criteria when determining the necessity of conducting a final inspection: previous site visits or other field reports; the nature and scope of the project; the experience, training, and capability of the facility operators; and other information received about the conduct of the project.
Three months after initiation of operation of the project, the financial assistance recipient must certify to the commissioner that the project is operating as planned and designed. This certification must be made in a form acceptable to the commissioner.
If the financial assistance recipient is unable to certify the project is operating as planned and designed, the recipient must submit a corrective action report to the commissioner for review and approval. The corrective action report must contain an analysis of the project's failure to operate as planned and designed; a discussion of the nature, scope, and cost of the action necessary to correct the failure; and a schedule for completing the corrective work.
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October 27, 2003
Except as provided in subpart 2, before the financial assistance recipient submits its final financial assistance payment request to the authority, it must submit to the commissioner the name, certification number, and certification expiration date of the operator certified under chapter 9400 and directly responsible for the operation of the facility.
A financial assistance recipient that is a transient noncommunity public drinking water supply is exempt from the requirement in subpart 1, but must perform monitoring of its drinking water supply as specified in the plans and specifications approval letter and have periodic inspections of the supply done by qualified personnel during the term of the loan.
MS s 446A.081
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October 27, 2003
If a project fails to conform to approved plans and specifications, or a financial assistance recipient fails to comply with the requirements of parts 4720.9000 to 4720.9080, the commissioner must request the authority to withhold or terminate either total or partial disbursements to the financial assistance recipient. Once an agreement for correcting the condition which led to the withholding of funds is reached between the commissioner and the financial assistance recipient, the commissioner must recommend to the authority that the retained funds be released according to the provisions of the agreement.
MS s 446A.081
22 SR 397
October 27, 2003
A person adversely affected by an action of department staff may request a review of the action. A request for review must be submitted in writing to the commissioner by the person within 45 days of the date of notification of the commissioner's final decision. The request must be reviewed under parts 4720.9000 to 4720.9080 by the commissioner.
MS s 446A.081
22 SR 397
October 27, 2003
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes