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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subpart 1.


An applicant for a plumber's license, other than a restricted journeyworker or restricted master plumber license, must satisfactorily pass an examination given by the commissioner. Examinations for journeyworker and master plumber licenses shall be held in March and September of each year. Applications for the March examination must be filed not later than February 15 and for the September examination not later than August 15.


An applicant for the master plumber examination must have:


a current Minnesota journeyworker plumber license and five years of practical plumbing experience;


a current master plumber license from another state where the requirements of the licensing jurisdiction are equivalent to those of Minnesota, as determined by the commissioner; or


a current Minnesota restricted master plumber license and five years of verifiable experience in business as a plumbing contractor in Minnesota.


An applicant for the journeyworker examination:


must be registered as a plumber's apprentice in Minnesota and must have at least four years of practical plumbing experience, as specified in subpart 2, item F;


must have a current Minnesota restricted journeyworker plumber license or restricted master plumber license and at least two years of practical plumbing experience gained while holding the restricted plumber license, as specified in subpart 2, item E; or


must hold a current plumber's license from another state where the licensing jurisdiction requires at least four years of practical plumbing experience and an examination to qualify for licensure.

Subp. 2.


This subpart applies to all practical plumbing experience described in subpart 1.


One year of practical plumbing experience consists of at least 1,750 hours.


The 1,750 hours necessary to gain one year of practical plumbing experience may be worked in more than one 12-month period; however, not more than 1,750 hours shall be credited for one calendar year.


Not more than two years of the practical plumbing experience from a state other than Minnesota shall be credited unless the applicant first obtains a plumber's license in the other state.


The applicant is responsible for verifying practical plumbing experience. The commissioner may require work records, time cards, pay records, or other documentation necessary to evaluate practical plumbing experience. The commissioner shall make the final determination about the adequacy and acceptability of an applicant's practical plumbing experience.


If the applicant is a licensed restricted journeyworker plumber or a licensed restricted master plumber subitems (1) to (3) apply.


The practical plumbing experience must include at least the following number of hours in the plumbing aspects specified in units (a) to (c). The remaining required hours of practical plumbing experience may be in any aspect of plumbing work included in the definition of plumbing in UPC section 218.0 as incorporated by reference in part 4714.0050; however, the applicant must include in the application the type of work and corresponding number of hours:


water distribution system installation, 1,000 hours;


drain, waste, and vent system installation, 1,000 hours; and


fixture installation, 500 hours.


The applicant must have been a licensed restricted journeyworker or a licensed restricted master plumber at all times while obtaining the practical plumbing experience.


The applicant must have completed the entire two years of practical plumbing experience within the four years before the applicant takes the examination.


If the applicant is a registered plumber's apprentice subitems (1) to (3) apply.


The practical plumbing experience must include at least the following number of hours in the plumbing aspects specified in units (a) to (c). The remaining required hours of practical plumbing experience may be in any aspect of plumbing work included in the definition of plumbing in UPC section 218.0 as incorporated by reference in part 4714.0050; however, the applicant must include in the application the type of work and corresponding number of hours:


water distribution system installation, 2,000 hours;


drain, waste, and vent system installation, 2,000 hours; and


fixture installation, 1,000 hours.


Except for experience qualifying under subitem (3), the applicant must have been a registered plumber's apprentice at all times while obtaining the practical plumbing experience.


Up to 24 months of practical plumbing experience gained before the effective date of the applicant's initial registration as a plumber's apprentice will be credited if the applicant gained some of the experience during the 12-month period immediately prior to the effective date of the applicant's initial registration and if:


the applicant gained the plumbing experience during military service, and the applicant's military officer certifies the experience;


the applicant gained the plumbing experience as part of a plumbing education class approved by the commissioner, and an authorized representative of the educational institution certifies the experience; or


the applicant gained the plumbing experience as a plumber's apprentice in another state where the experience is verified by a state agency in that state or by a federal agency.


Except as provided in item F, subitem (3), all practical plumbing experience must be certified by the licensed plumber or plumbing contractor who is responsible for the work performed. A restricted master plumber cannot certify the restricted master plumber's own experience. The employer of a journeyworker plumber, restricted master plumber, restricted journeyworker plumber, or plumber's apprentice is responsible for:


recording the practical plumbing experience worked by each such employee; and


maintaining these records of practical plumbing experience for at least six years after the employee's last recorded experience.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 326B.435


33 SR 2042

Published Electronically:

November 29, 2017

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes