Chapters 2 to 11, 14, and 17 of the 2012 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) as promulgated by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), Ontario, California, and UPC appendices A, B, and I, except for IS 12-2006, IS 13-2006, IS 26-2006, SIS 1-2003, and SIS 2-2003 of appendix I, are incorporated by reference and made part of the Minnesota Plumbing Code except as qualified by the applicable provisions in chapter 1300, and as amended in this chapter. The UPC is not subject to frequent change and a copy of the UPC, with amendments for use in Minnesota, is available in the office of the commissioner of labor and industry. Portions of this chapter reproduce text and tables from the UPC, reproduced with permission. The UPC is copyright 2012 by the IAPMO. All rights reserved.
40 SR 71
January 25, 2016
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes