For purposes of parts 4700.1900 to 4700.2500, the following terms have the meanings given them in this part.
"Approvable application" means an application which meets the criteria for award, as specified in part 4700.2300.
"Community health board" means a board of health established, operating, and eligible for a subsidy under Minnesota Statutes, sections 145A.09 to 145A.13.
"Current award" means the amount of family planning special project grant funds received in the year immediately preceding the one for which a new grant of family planning special project funds is requested.
"Current recipient" means an agency receiving family planning special project grant funds in the year immediately preceding the one for which a new grant of family planning special project funds is requested.
"Family planning" means voluntary planning and action by individuals to attain or prevent pregnancy.
"Family planning methods" means agents and devices for the purpose of fertility regulation prescribed by a licensed physician, and other agents and devices for the purpose of fertility regulation including, spermicidal agents, diaphragms, condoms, oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices, natural family planning methods, sterilizations, and the diagnosis and treatment of infertility by a licensed physician, which can be paid for in whole or in part by family planning special project grant funds.
"Family planning services components" means the public information, outreach, counseling, method, referral, and follow-up categories under which all services provided by family planning service providers must be described. The minimum standards in part 4700.2210 serve to define these components.
"High risk person" means an individual whose age, health, prior pregnancy outcome, or socioeconomic status increases her chances of experiencing an unplanned pregnancy or problems during pregnancy. High risk persons include, but are not limited to, women under 18 or over 35; women who have experienced premature labor and delivery; women with existing health problems such as diabetes, anemia, and obesity; and persons whose individual or family income is determined to be at or below 200 percent of the official income poverty line as defined by United States Code, title 42, section 9902, and as published by the Federal Office of Management and Budget and revised annually in the Federal Register. A copy of the most current guideline is available from the Office of Planning and Evaluation, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C., 20201, (202) 245-6141.
"Linkages" means formal or informal arrangements between the applicant and other family planning providers including contracts, reciprocal referral agreements, and committees.
"New applicant" means an agency which did not receive family planning special project funds in the year immediately preceding the one for which a grant of family planning special project funds is requested.
"Provide" means to directly supply or render or to pay for in whole or in part.
"Publicly subsidized" means funded by federal, state, county, or city tax dollars, but does not include title XIX of the Social Security Act medical assistance funds.
"Region" means that group of counties represented by a single person on the executive committee of the State Community Health Advisory Committee. The counties in each region are as follows:
Northeastern | Northwestern | West Central |
Aitkin | Becker | Clay |
Carlton | Beltrami | Douglas |
Cook | Clearwater | Grant |
Itasca | Hubbard | Otter Tail |
Koochiching | Kittson | Pope |
Lake | Lake of the Woods | Stevens |
Saint Louis | Mahnomen | Traverse |
Marshall | Wilkin | |
Norman | ||
Pennington | ||
Polk | ||
Red Lake | ||
Roseau | ||
Central | Metro | South Central |
Benton | Anoka | Blue Earth |
Cass | Carver | Brown |
Chisago | Dakota | Faribault |
Crow Wing | Hennepin | Le Sueur |
Isanti | Ramsey | McLeod |
Kanabec | Scott | Martin |
Mille Lacs | Washington | Meeker |
Morrison | Nicollet | |
Pine | Sibley | |
Sherburne | Waseca | |
Stearns | Watonwan | |
Todd | ||
Wadena | ||
Wright |
Southeastern | Southwestern |
Dodge | Big Stone |
Fillmore | Chippewa |
Freeborn | Cottonwood |
Goodhue | Jackson |
Houston | Kandiyohi |
Mower | Lac Qui Parle |
Olmsted | Lincoln |
Rice | Lyon |
Steele | Murray |
Wabasha | Nobles |
Winona | Pipestone |
Redwood | |
Renville | |
Rock | |
Swift | |
Yellow Medicine |
12 SR 1562; 16 SR 170
April 19, 2004
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes