Part | Title |
4675.0100 | DEFINITIONS. |
4675.0200 | LEGAL AUTHORITY. |
4675.0300 | LICENSURE. |
4675.0400 | ADMINISTRATION. |
4675.0500 | MEDICAL STAFF. |
4675.0900 | SURGICAL SUITE. |
4675.1700 | EXCEPTIONS. |
4675.1900 | DUCTS. |
4675.2000 | LININGS IN DUCTS. |
4675.2200 | [Repealed, 17 SR 2041] |
4675.2300 | [Repealed, 17 SR 2041] |
4675.2400 | [Repealed, 17 SR 2041] |
4675.2500 | [Repealed, 17 SR 2041] |
4675.2600 | [Repealed, 17 SR 2041] |
"Dentist" means a person licensed by the Board of Dentistry under the provision of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 150A.
"Facility" means the building or buildings, equipment, and supplies related to the operation of the center.
"Licensee" means the responsible person or governing body to whom the license is issued.
"Modification" means alteration, remodeling, addition, or other change in a licensed facility or its services.
"Physician" means a person licensed by the Board of Medical Practice under the provision of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 147.
"Outpatient surgical center" or "center," means a freestanding facility organized for the specific purpose of providing elective outpatient surgery for preexamined, prediagnosed, low-risk patients. Admissions shall be limited to procedures which utilize local or general anesthesia and which do not require overnight inpatient care. It is not organized to provide regular emergency medical services and does not include the physician's and dentist's office or clinic for the practice of medicine or the delivery of primary care.
MS s 144.56
L 1991 c 106 s 6
January 21, 2000
The Minnesota Department of Health pursuant to the authority granted in Minnesota Statutes, sections 144.12 and 144.55 to 144.56 hereby adopts parts 4675.0100 to 4675.2800 for the construction, equipment, maintenance, operation, and licensure of outpatient surgical centers.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
Application for a license to establish and operate an outpatient surgery center shall be made in writing and submitted on forms provided by the department. The application shall be made by the person or persons who will be the licensee, operate the facility, and be responsible for its operation. Documentation shall be submitted which provides full disclosure of ownership.
If the applicant is a corporation, the applicant shall furnish the department names and addresses of the governing body and names of current officers of the corporation.
In addition to the documentation required in subpart 2 out-of-state corporations shall furnish the department with a copy of the certificate of authority to do business in the state of Minnesota.
A license shall be issued by the commissioner of health when compliance has been made with the requirements of parts 4675.0100 to 4675.2800. It is issued for one year. Renewal of a license is subject to demonstrated compliance with parts 4675.0100 to 4675.2800. A license is not transferable. A change in ownership requires a new application. Separate licenses are required for facilities maintained on separate sites, even though operated by the same ownership. The license shall be conspicuously posted in a public area in the center. The licensee shall notify the department in writing of any change of name or address of the licensee and of the administrator.
A center which has been determined by the state fire marshal to be out of compliance with the fire safety requirements of the state fire marshal is not eligible for licensing.
Architectural and engineering drawings and specifications for new centers or modifications of facilities in existing centers shall be submitted to and approved by the department. New centers and their staffing require approval prior to licensure.
Physical plant deficiencies relating to required area sizes or distance limits may be waived by the commissioner of health for a recognized existing center which was functioning prior to the effective date of parts 4675.0100 to 4675.2800 when such deficiencies do not constitute an unacceptable compromise in patient treatment and safety and correction would involve major remodeling and cause unusual hardship.
MS s 144.56
L 1977 c 305 s 39
January 21, 2000
The person or governing body recorded as the licensee shall be responsible for its management, control, and operation. The licensee shall:
Appoint an administrator, and submit name, address, and qualifications to the commissioner of health. This person shall be responsible for management, control, operation, records, and reports, as well as compliance with parts 4675.0100 to 4675.2800.
Appoint a medical director or chief of staff who shall be a physician. This person shall be responsible for establishment, implementation, and supervision of all medical policies, patients records, procedures, and services of the facility.
Maintain a record of each physician and dentist on the staff. This record shall contain his or her name, qualifications, experience, and present hospital affiliation, accompanied by a list of procedures and services he or she is authorized to perform.
Designate a registered nurse who shall be responsible for all nursing services and assure that a registered nurse is in attendance at all times when patients are present in the facility.
Provide sufficient additional professional and allied health personnel to administer diagnostic and treatment services as necessary in accordance with the services provided in the facility.
Establish and maintain a program for periodic review of administrative and professional functions and services by means of utilization review and medical audit.
Maintain a written agreement with at least one of the general hospitals in the immediate vicinity for the transfer of patients requiring hospital care in case that emergency or inpatient care is required.
Maintain a written agreement with an emergency ambulance service to assure that such services will be available.
Provide a facility which is constructed, equipped, operated, and maintained to satisfy the needs of the services rendered and to maintain safe and sanitary conditions as required by accepted current practice and by parts 4675.0100 to 4675.2800.
Adopt a written disaster plan with procedures for the protection and/or evacuation of all persons in the case of fire or explosion or in the event of floods, tornadoes, or other emergencies.
MS s 144.56
L 1977 c 305 s 39
January 21, 2000
The medical director and the medical staff are responsible to the governing body for patient and staff policies and for medical procedures and services relative to admission, treatment, and related emergency treatment. The medical staff shall:
Establish written policies for the admission and treatment of patients for surgery, including but not limited to subitems (1) to (5).
Preparation for and administration of anesthesia. Only an anesthesiologist or qualified physician and/or anesthetist shall administer anesthetics other than local infiltration anesthetics.
Establish written policies for the creation and maintenance of a program for infection control.
Provide for orientation and in-service programs for all center personnel as related to their activities, including medical emergency procedures.
Maintain medical records on each patient accepted for treatment. Each patient record shall include: the patient's name, address, and telephone number; the operating physician, admission and discharge notes and dates; a signed consent form; pertinent medical history; tests and examinations; admitting diagnosis; surgical procedure and anesthesia report; pathology report where indicated; patient aftercare instructions; prescribed medications; and other progress notes. Surgery-related or anesthesia-related complications which result in morbidity or mortality of a patient shall be recorded in detail. Patients' records shall be made available for inspection by the department and be preserved in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, sections 145.30 to 145.33.
44 SR 371
September 16, 2019
Administrative areas shall include the following elements:
a supervised waiting area with reception and seating for arriving and departing patients and persons accompanying patients;
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
Treatment areas for patient preparation, surgery, and recovery shall be separate. Each area shall be equipped to accommodate its functional needs.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
The patient preparation area shall include the following elements:
An arrangement which permits patient access to the area for initial entry and final departure from the dressing area without passing through the postoperative recovery area; and provides gowned patients access to the surgical suite without entering the recovery area or a public space or corridor.
Dressing rooms which assure privacy, and space for storage and security of patients' clothing and belongings.
Examination rooms, each provided with a lavatory with an open grid strainer, a wrist- , knee- , or foot-controlled mixing faucet with gooseneck spout, and a single-service towel dispenser. It shall include examination table and light.
A nurses office or nurse station for patient management, for directing of nursing care, and for keeping patient records, unless the nurses station for the postoperative recovery area is accessible for use.
Space for clinical laboratory services, unless arrangements have been made for obtaining such services outside the center.
A radiology area with equipment, required protection, and toilet room(s) as appropriate, unless such services are provided for outside the center.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
The surgical suite shall include the following elements:
One or more operating rooms. Each operating room shall have a floor area of not less than 225 square feet with a minimum dimension of 15 feet. Walls, ceilings, and floors shall have smooth cleanable surfaces. Equipment shall include an operating table, surgical light, and provision for oxygen and vacuum. Operating rooms using flammable anesthetic shall be designed in accordance with the National Electrical Code, 1975 edition, for such use.
A scrub sink with foot, knee, or automatic controls adjacent to the entrance to each operating room, or in a central location convenient to such rooms.
A clean work room for assembly and storage of clean and sterile surgical supplies and instruments. It shall contain a work counter, sink with institutional fittings for hand washing, and storage cabinets or shelving. A high-speed sterilizer is required in this area if a sterilizer is not provided in the general clean and sterile supply room.
A soiled work room for disposal or collection of soiled materials generated in surgery. It shall contain a flushing rim sink, work counter and sink with institutional fittings, and space for collection of waste and soiled linen. Institutional fittings shall include: mixing faucet with gooseneck spout, wrist-action controls, and open grid strainer.
Space for cleaning, testing, and storage of anesthetic equipment. It shall contain a work counter and sink with institutional fittings.
A janitors closet with a service sink and shelving for cleaning supplies for exclusive use by the surgical suite.
Gowning areas for the surgical staff, both male and female. Each area shall contain lockers; toilet; and a lavatory with open grid strainer, wrist- , foot- , or knee-control mixing faucet for hand washing; and separate storage provisions for clean and soiled gowns and boots. The areas shall be arranged to provide initial entry without entering the operating suite and shall permit direct access to the surgical suite by staff prepared for surgery.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
The postoperative recovery area shall include the following elements:
An arrangement which permits transfer of patients direct from the surgical suite or by route of a nonpublic corridor.
A recovery area that provides access and space for wheeled stretcher traffic and parking, and provides patient holding areas with privacy curtains and at least three feet of space on each side and foot end of stretchers or recovery beds.
A nurses office or nurse station for patient management, for directing of nursing care, and for keeping patient records. It shall be arranged to offer visual control of the recovery area.
Space for charting, drugs, nourishment, supplies, and equipment for patient care and emergency treatment. This includes facilities for hand washing, a flushing rim sink, space for soiled linen collection, and portable or built-in provisions for oxygen and suction in the recovery area.
Medications and narcotics stored in accordance with the requirements of the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
The general service areas shall include the following elements:
Employee locker areas for street clothes and other belongings, with access to toilet facilities.
A clean supply room for receiving, storage, and assembly of clean and sterile supplies. It shall contain a sterilizer unless sterile supplies are received from a central supply service or a commercial supplier.
A room for the processing of soiled instruments and other reusable surgical items, unless such processing is provided by an outside central supply service.
A soiled linen collection room for collection and storage of linen which is to be processed either in an on-premise laundry or by an outside laundry service, unless an all-disposable linen service is utilized.
The laundry, if provided, shall be designed and operated as required by the department for the processing of institutional linen.
A separate storage area for solid waste. Collection, storage, and disposal of regular and infectious waste shall be in accordance with parts 4675.0100 to 4675.2800.
An elevator of a size which can accommodate a standard stretcher and two attendants, if the facility is located at a level without direct access from street or ground level.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
Storage and distribution systems for anesthetic gases and oxygen shall be in compliance with NFPA Standard No. 56A, 1973 edition, and NFPA Standard No. 56F, 1973 edition. Storage or installations for flammable liquids shall comply with NFPA Standard No. 30, 1973 edition.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
Provisions shall be made for the periodic inspection, testing, and calibration of systems and equipment, as appropriate, and records kept. The facility shall be clean, sanitary, and in good repair at all times. Maintenance shall include procedures and program to assure the safety and comfort of patients, visitors, and personnel.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
The construction of all mechanical systems shall be in accordance with chapters 1300 to 1365, the State Building Code, 1973 edition, and with parts 4675.0100 to 4675.2800. New mechanical systems shall be tested, balanced, and operated by the contractors to satisfactorily demonstrate and document to the owner and the department that the installation and performance of these systems conform to the specified requirements.
Plumbing and other piping systems shall be designed, installed, and tested in accordance with the Minnesota Plumbing Code, 1973 edition. Lavatories and sinks required in patient care or treatment areas shall be provided with a gooseneck spout or similar elevated spout and shall be trimmed with valve controls which can be operated without the use of hands. All lavatories and sinks shall be provided with a single-service towel dispenser.
Electrical installations and systems shall be installed and tested in accordance with the National Electrical Code, 1975 edition. A certificate of satisfactory testing for macro and micro shock hazards of sensitive electrical systems shall be submitted to the department for all new installations.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
An automatic emergency power source shall be provided for essential lighting, equipment, and alarm systems which will restore the power within ten seconds in case of failure of normal power.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
The systems shall be designed to provide temperatures and humidities as follows:
operating rooms: 70 to 76 degrees Fahrenheit (variable range), 50 to 60 percent relative humidity;
recovery rooms: 75 degrees Fahrenheit (variable range), 50 to 60 percent relative humidity; and
All air-supply and air-exhaust systems shall be mechanically operated. All fans serving exhaust systems shall be located at the discharge end of the system. The ventilation rates shown in part 4675.2800 shall be considered as minimum acceptable rates and shall not be construed as precluding the use of higher ventilation rates.
Outdoor air intakes shall be located as far as practical but not less than 25 feet from the exhaust from any ventilating system, combustion equipment stack, medical-surgical vacuum system, or sewer vent stack four inches in diameter or greater, or from areas which may collect vehicular exhaust and other noxious fumes. The bottom of outdoor air intakes shall be located as high as practical but not less than four feet above ground level, or if installed through the roof, two feet above the roof level.
The ventilation systems shall be designed and balanced to provide the pressure relationships as shown in part 4675.2800.
All air supplied to operating rooms shall be delivered at or near the ceiling of the area served and all exhaust air from the area shall be removed near floor level. At least two exhaust outlets shall be used in all operating rooms.
The bottom of any room supply air inlets, recirculation and exhaust air outlets shall be located not less than three inches above the floor.
Corridors shall not be used to supply air to or exhaust air from any room, except that air from corridors may be used to ventilate toilet rooms, janitors' closets, and small electrical or telephone closets opening directly on corridors.
All ventilation or air conditioning systems serving the operating suite and all central systems serving other facility areas shall have a minimum of two filter beds. Filter bed #1 shall be located upstream of the air conditioning equipment and shall have a minimum efficiency of 25 percent. Filter bed #2 shall be downstream of the supply fan and any recirculating spray water systems and/or water reservoir type humidifier(s). Filter bed #2 shall have a minimum efficiency of 90 percent. The efficiency of filter bed #2 may be reduced to 80 percent for central systems using 100 percent outdoor air and serving areas other than the operating suite.
MS s 144.56
October 2, 2013
Independent air handlers serving only a laundry shall have at least one filter bed and this filter bed shall have an efficiency of at least 80 percent. Independent air handlers serving only administrative spaces and/or bulk storage areas shall have at least one filter bed and this filter bed shall have an efficiency of at least 25 percent.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
All filter efficiencies shall be certified by an independent testing agency and shall be based on ASHRAE Standard No. 52-68, except as noted in 7-30D-2-1(2).
Filter frames shall be durable and carefully dimensioned and shall provide an airtight fit with the enclosing duct work. All joints between filter segments and the enclosing duct work shall be gasketed or sealed to provide a positive seal against air leakage.
Each filter bed serving operating room areas or central air systems shall have a manometer installed across each filter bed.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
Ducts which penetrate construction intended for X-ray or other ray protection shall not impair the effectiveness of the protection.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
Linings in air ducts and equipment shall meet the erosion test method described in Underwriters Laboratories Publication No. 181. Duct linings shall not be used in air supply systems for operating rooms unless terminal filters of at least 90 percent efficiency per ASHRAE Standard No. 52-68 are installed downstream of linings.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
Each operating room shall be provided with a separate evacuation system for the venting of waste anesthesia gas.
The system shall provide a gas venting intake of the head end of the operating table, and provide exhaust of collected gas directly to the outdoors.
If the air changes required in part 4675.2800 do not provide sufficient air for use by fume hoods and safety cabinets, additional air shall be provided.
Each laboratory hood shall have an independent exhaust with the fan installed at the discharge point of the system. Laboratory hoods for general use shall have a minimum average face velocity of 75 feet per minute. Hoods in which infectious or radioactive materials are processed shall have the following:
filters in the exhaust having a 99.97 percent efficiency based on the DOP (dioctyl-phthalate) test method; and
equipment and/or procedure for the safe removal and replacement of contaminated filters.
Duct systems serving hoods shall be constructed of corrosion-resistant material to meet the planned usage of the hood. Duct systems serving hoods in which radioactive materials and strong oxidizing agents (e.g. perchloric acid) are used shall be constructed of stainless steel for a minimum distance of ten feet from the hood and shall be equipped with washdown facilities.
The ventilation system for anesthesia storage rooms and for flammable liquids storage areas shall conform to the requirements of NFPA Standard No. 56A, 1973 edition and NFPA Standard No. 30, 1973 edition.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
[Repealed, 17 SR 2041]
January 21, 2000
Infectious waste and pathological waste as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 116.76, must be managed according to Minnesota Statutes, sections 116.76 to 116.83 and parts 4622.0100 to 4622.1200. Pathological waste does not include the remains specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 145.1621 and such remains must be handled in accordance with that statute.
MS s 116.81
17 SR 2041
January 21, 2000
[Repealed, 17 SR 2041]
January 21, 2000
[Repealed, 17 SR 2041]
January 21, 2000
[Repealed, 17 SR 2041]
January 21, 2000
[Repealed, 17 SR 2041]
January 21, 2000
This part applies to all laundry services for the processing of institutional type linen. Such services may be provided by an on-premise laundry operated by the facility or by an outside laundry through contractual agreement.
A soiled linen collection and sorting room shall be located at the soiled side of the laundry processing room. It shall be provided with exhaust (negative) ventilation. The door to the corridor must be kept closed. Locate chute within this room, if a chute is provided.
The laundry processing room shall be arranged to allow for an orderly, progressive flow of work from the soiled to the clean area. Equipment shall be arranged to minimize linen transportation, provide the necessary floor area between operations, and avoid cross traffic contamination between clean and soiled operations. The room shall provide space for storage of laundry supplies, cleaning equipment, and for parking of laundry trucks used in the operation. Hand-washing facilities shall be available for the area. A two compartment laundry tub shall be provided, and it shall be of a material with a nonabsorbent, smooth, permanent finish. The laundry tub may be equipped with fittings to provide for the required hand-washing facilities.
The equipment shall be of a commercial type and shall consist of one or more washers, extractors, tumblers, or combinations of these, as well as ironers and presses. The washer installation shall be capable of meeting the necessary operating requirements.
A separate enclosed clean linen room for storage and delivery. This area shall be provided with fresh air supply (positive ventilation).
The air in the laundry shall be vented away from the clean storage and finishing or ironing area and toward the extracting and washing area. The general air movement shall be from the clean area to the soiled area, and shall be of sufficient volume to remove steam, odors, and excessive heat. Spot ventilation for large heat-producing equipment such as dryers and ironers should be provided. Dryers shall be provided with a lint collector. Horizontal exhaust ducts shall be provided with access panels for cleaning.
The wash water temperature inside the washers shall be at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit during the main washing and rinsing cycles for a total time of at least 30 minutes, excluding time for filling and draining.
Contaminated linen shall be thoroughly preflushed separately before being introduced to the main washing and rinsing process.
Contaminated linen, such as linen from patients with infectious drainage, dressings, or pads shall be stored and sent to the laundry in separate bags which are plainly marked to indicate that their contents are contaminated. The bags shall be tightly closed until the contents are removed from the bag and placed in the washer along with the bag, if nondisposable. Laundry personnel shall be instructed in the safe handling of such laundry.
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
MS s 144.56
January 21, 2000
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes