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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

4670.0200 OBJECTIVES.

The ultimate purpose in effecting the merit principle of personnel administration of the local public health agencies is to promote economy and effective service. It is the declared aim of the Department of Health to put into full force and effect the merit principles of personnel administration. To this end the council, the supervisor, and the commissioner shall work toward the objectives of:


the proper classification of positions in order that positions essentially alike in duties and responsibilities shall be treated alike and that positions not so alike shall be treated with due consideration of the nature and extent of the differences between them;


fair and equal opportunity to all qualified citizens of the United States to compete for positions and promotions under the jurisdiction of the merit system solely on the basis of merit and fitness as ascertained through practical examination; and


an attractive career service in public health employment within the state of Minnesota.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 144.071

Published Electronically:

November 25, 2003

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes