This part applies only to a professional home care agency with a class A license under part 4668.0012, subpart 3.
The licensee shall provide at least one of the following home care services directly:
provision of medical supplies and equipment when accompanied by the provision of a home care service.
The licensee may provide all home care services, except that the licensee may provide a hospice program only if licensed as a hospice program under part 4664.0010, as provided by Minnesota Statutes, section 144A.753, subdivision 1.
If provided, medical social services must be provided in compliance with Minnesota Statutes, sections 148B.18 to 148B.28.
If provided, nursing services must be provided according to Minnesota Statutes, sections 148.171 to 148.285.
If provided, physical therapy must be provided according to Minnesota Statutes, sections 148.65 to 148.78.
If a licensee reasonably believes that a client is in need of another medical or health service, including that of a physician, osteopath, dentist, podiatrist, chiropractor, other health professional, or social service provider, the licensee shall:
if the client desires the service, inform the client about available providers or referral services.
The licensee shall establish and implement a quality assurance plan, described in writing, in which the licensee must:
monitor and evaluate two or more selected components of its services at least once every 12 months; and
A class A licensee that is certified for participation in Medicare as a home health agency under Code of Federal Regulations, title 42, part 484, need not comply with this part, or with the following items, if the Medicare certification is based on compliance with the federal conditions of participation, and on survey and enforcement by the Minnesota Department of Health as agent for the United States Department of Health and Human Services:
17 SR 2454; 28 SR 1639
October 2, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes