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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subpart 1.


A hospice provider that operates a residential hospice facility must comply with this part.

Subp. 2.

Water supply system.

An adequate and safe supply of potable water must be provided for the residential hospice facility. The water supply system must be located, constructed, and operated according to the standards of the commissioner. A community water supply system must comply with chapter 4720. A domestic water well system must comply with chapter 4725.

Subp. 3.

Plumbing system.

All plumbing systems must be installed and tested according to chapter 4715, the Plumbing Code.

Subp. 4.

Sewage disposal system.

All liquid waste must be disposed of in an approved public sewage system or in a sewage system that is designed, constructed, installed, and operated according to chapter 4715 and applicable local ordinances. An individual on-site sewage treatment system must comply with chapter 7080.

Subp. 5.

Ventilation system.

Mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation must be provided in each living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, soiled linen room, and laundry room. The system must be capable of maintaining excessive heat, odors, fumes, vapors, smoke, and condensation at a level barely perceptible to the normal senses.

Subp. 6.

Heating, cooling, and humidification systems.

Heating and cooling systems must be capable of maintaining a minimum temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit during the heating season and a maximum temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit during the cooling season in all hospice patient use areas. Areas must be zoned according to use and exposure and must be provided with thermostatic temperature controls. The humidification system must be capable of maintaining a space humidity between 30 percent relative humidity and 50 percent relative humidity.

Subp. 7.


For each violation of the following subparts, the stated fine shall be assessed:


subpart 2, $200;


subpart 3, $200;


subpart 4, $200;


subpart 5, $200; and


subpart 6, $200.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 144A.752


28 SR 1639

Published Electronically:

October 11, 2007

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes