Securely anchored, durable handrails must be provided on both sides of corridors used by residents. If a length of corridor space between doorways is 60 inches or less, a handrail is not necessary for that portion of the corridor. The handrails must be mounted at a height of 32 to 34 inches to the top of the handrail. The handrail must be a round or oval section, 1-1/2 to two inches in diameter, and the clear distance between the handrail and wall must be 1-1/2 inches. The handrail must be designed to provide the means for a full hand grip around the handrail. Wall bracket supports must be provided at least six feet on center, and the mounted brackets must be capable of supporting a load of not less than 250 pounds. The following two diagrams illustrate two acceptable handrails.
The unobstructed width of all corridors in resident areas must be at least eight feet. All exits must comply with the Minnesota State Building Code.
21 SR 196
April 24, 2023
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes