For purposes of parts 4658.2000 to 4658.2090, "secured unit" means a nursing home unit in which a resident's horizontal and vertical access in or out of the unit is restricted.
For purposes of parts 4658.2000 to 4658.2090, "locked unit" means a nursing home unit in which a resident's access is restricted because the doors to the unit are locked from the outside. A locked unit is a form of secured unit.
A resident may be assigned to placement in a secured unit only if the results of a comprehensive resident assessment as required by part 4658.0400 indicate that resident requires a more secure environment and there is a physician's written order for placement in a secured unit. A resident may choose to reside in a secured unit if the comprehensive resident assessment and plan of care as required by parts 4658.0400 and 4658.0405 determine that placement in a secured unit is appropriate for that resident.
Fire safety systems and locking arrangements must be reviewed and approved by the state fire marshal according to part 4658.4030 before operation as a secured unit.
A secured unit must be approved by the department according to part 4658.4030 before operation as a secured unit. Any significant change to the statement of operations for the secured unit, as required by part 4658.2020, must be reviewed and approved by the department before making the change.
21 SR 196
October 11, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes