Every reasonable precaution shall be taken for the security of patients and personnel. Drugs, narcotics, sharp instruments, and other potentially hazardous articles shall be inaccessible to patients.
Patients with tuberculosis or other communicable disease shall be segregated.
Patients shall not be placed in seclusion or mechanical restraints without the written order of the physician in charge unless, in the judgment of the supervisor in charge of the service, the safety and protection of the patient, hospital employees, or other patients require such immediate seclusion or restraint. Such seclusion or restraint shall not be continued beyond eight hours except by written or telephone order of the attending physician. Emergency orders given by telephone shall be reduced to writing immediately upon receipt and shall be signed by the staff member within 24 hours after the order is given. Such patient shall be under reasonable observation and care of a nurse or attendant at all times.
November 12, 1997
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes