On or before January 31 of each year, there shall be filed with the commissioner of health, on a form provided by the commissioner of health, the annual hospital statistical report covering patient service data.
On or before the tenth of each month, the hospital administrator shall file with the commissioner of health, on a blank provided by or approved by the commissioner of health for the purpose, a report of all births and deaths or stillbirths occurring in such institution during the previous month. Subpart 2 is taken from part 4600.1200 relating to hospital reporting of vital statistics. It is here made of special application to hospital administrators. Part 4615.0800 should also be noted. It reads as follows: Any death associated with pregnancy, including abortion and extrauterine pregnancy, or the puerperium for a period of three months postpartum, whether or not it is the actual cause of death, shall be reported by mail within three days after death to the Minnesota Department of Health, Section of Maternal and Child Health, by the attending physician and by the hospital where the death occurred.
L 1977 c 305 s 39
November 12, 1997
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes