Written policies, procedures, rules, and regulations shall be established for the administrative and technical guidance of the personnel of the entire hospital. Employees shall be instructed in the requirements, policies, and procedures pertaining to their respective duties.
At all times there shall be enough qualified personnel on duty to provide the standard of care and maintenance in the hospital which is necessary for the well-being of the persons received for care. This includes night duty, vacation, and other relief periods. A record shall be kept of the length of service of each employee.
A registered nurse shall be responsible for the nursing care of patients and shall assign nursing duties to qualified personnel when he or she is off duty. Additional nursing personnel with training and experience commensurate with the responsibility of the specific assignments shall be employed to assure a high quality of nursing care to all patients both day and night.
It is recommended that nurses in the obstetrical department limit their services to maternity and clean surgical cases.
All practical nurses, auxiliary workers, and volunteers performing nursing service functions shall be under the supervision of a registered nurse. Their duties shall be clearly defined and they shall be instructed in all duties assigned to them.
The governing body of the hospital upon recommendation of its organized medical staff shall provide in its rules and regulations measures to prevent the transmission of cummunicable diseases. Such regulations shall include provisions for an immunization program; for preemployment physical examinations including tuberculin tests, X-rays of the chest, and other indicated laboratory procedures; and for subsequent chest X-rays and periodic examinations of all hospital employees. Such regulations shall also include the procedures to be followed in the case of illness or absenteeism of any employee or in the case of the exposure of any employee to a communicable disease. All employees shall report any illness or exposure to communicable disease to the administrator and to a designated member of the medical staff.
Routine admission chest X-ray examination of patients is recommended.
17 SR 1279
November 12, 1997
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes