Raw shucked shellfish shall be obtained in nonreturnable packages that bear a legible label that identifies:
the name, address, and certification number of the shucker-packer or repacker of the molluscan shellfish; and
the "sell by" date for packages with a capacity of less than 1.87 liter (one-half gallon) or the date shucked for packages with a capacity of 1.87 liter (one-half gallon) or more.
A package of raw shucked shellfish that does not bear a label or that bears a label that does not contain all the information specified in item A shall be subject to a hold order as allowed by Minnesota Statutes, section 31.05, subdivision 1, or seizure and destruction according to Code of Federal Regulations, title 21, section 1240.60, paragraph (d).
23 SR 519
October 11, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes