The responsible party shall do all of the following:
inform the parent(s) or legal guardian that their newborn(s) will be screened for the metabolic diseases hemoglobinopathy, phenylketonuria, galactosemia, hypothyroidism, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and explain the reasons for such screening and their right to refuse this screening on the grounds that such tests conflict with their religious tenets and practices;
collect or have collected a specimen for screening no later than the fifth day after the infant's birth, unless the parents lawfully object to such screening. If this specimen is taken prior to 24 hours after birth, the responsible party shall notify the parents or legal guardian verbally and in writing of the necessity of having the phenylketonuria test repeated on their newborn not later than the 14th day of life. If taking a blood sample at the times specified above is medically contraindicated, the sample shall be taken as soon as the infant's condition permits;
send the specimen card including all of the required information as indicated on the card to the Minnesota Department of Health laboratory within 24 hours after collection; and
if the newborn infant is transferred to a second health care facility before the specimen is collected, the responsible party shall inform the second facility of this fact and may delegate to it the responsibility for collecting and transmitting the specimen.
10 SR 276; 17 SR 1758
October 3, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes