When attending a case, suspected case, carrier, or death from any of the diseases in part 4605.7040 or a pregnancy under part 4605.7044, a physician shall report to the commissioner according to part 4605.7040 or 4605.7044, unless previously reported, the information specified in part 4605.7090.
Hospitals, nursing homes, medical clinics, or other health care facilities shall designate that all individual physicians report as specified in subpart 1; or the health care facility shall designate an infection control practitioner or other person as responsible to report to the commissioner, according to part 4605.7040 or 4605.7044, knowledge of a case, suspected case, carrier, or death from any of the diseases and syndromes in part 4605.7040 or a pregnancy under part 4605.7044, and the information specified in part 4605.7090.
All medical laboratories shall provide to the commissioner, within one working day of completion, the results of microbiologic cultures, examinations, immunologic assays for the presence of antigens and antibodies, and any other laboratory tests, which are indicative of the presence of any of the diseases in part 4605.7040 and the information specified in part 4605.7090 as is known.
All medical laboratories shall forward to the Minnesota Department of Health, Public Health Laboratory, all clinical materials specified in this chapter upon a positive laboratory finding for the disease or condition, or upon request of the commissioner in relation to a case or suspected case reported under this chapter.
All laboratories must report to the Minnesota Department of Health the results of all CD4+ lymphocyte counts and percents and the results of all HIV viral detection laboratory tests.
If a medical laboratory forwards clinical materials out of state for testing, the originating medical laboratory retains the duty to comply with this subpart, either by:
Any institution, facility, or clinic, staffed by physicians and having medical laboratories which are required to report, as in subparts 1, 2, and 3, except subpart 3, item C, may upon written notification to the commissioner designate a single person or group of persons to report cases, suspected cases, carriers, deaths, or results of medical laboratory cultures, examinations, and assays for any of the diseases listed in part 4605.7040 or a pregnancy under part 4605.7044 to the commissioner.
The commissioner of health shall, under the following circumstances, request certain reports of clinical diagnosis of disease in animals, reports of laboratory tests on animals, and clinical materials from animals:
the persons who are afflicted with the disease are likely to suffer complications, disability, or death as a result; and
investigation based upon veterinarian and veterinary medical laboratory reports will assist in the prevention and control of disease among humans.
Unless previously reported, it shall be the duty of every other licensed health care provider who provides care to any patient who has or is suspected of having any of the diseases listed in part 4605.7040 or a pregnancy under part 4605.7044 to report to the commissioner, according to part 4605.7040 or 4605.7044, as much of the information specified in part 4605.7090 as is known.
Persons and entities that are required to report under subpart 1, 2, or 6 and that send clinical materials out of state for testing are responsible for ensuring that results are reported and clinical materials are submitted to the commissioner as required under this chapter.
9 SR 2584; 20 SR 858; 30 SR 247; 35 SR 1967
June 28, 2011
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes