"Case" means a person or deceased person infected with a particular infectious agent or having a particular disease diagnosed by a physician.
"Carrier" means a person or deceased person identified as harboring a specific infectious agent and who serves as a potential source of infection.
"Clinical materials" means:
a clinical isolate containing the infectious agent for which submission of material is required; or
"Commissioner" means the state commissioner of health or authorized officers, employees, or agents of the Minnesota Department of Health.
"Contact" means a person who may have been exposed to a case, suspected case, or carrier in a manner that could place the person at risk of acquiring the infection based on known or suspected modes of transmission.
"Critical illness" means the condition of a person who is hospitalized in an intensive care unit or who is critically ill in the judgment of a licensed health care provider.
"Infection control practitioner" means any person designated by a hospital, nursing home, medical clinic, or other health care facility as having responsibility for prevention, detection, reporting, and control of infections within the facility.
"Isolation" means the separation, for the period of communicability, of an infected person from others in places and under the condition as to prevent or limit the direct or indirect transmission of the infectious agent to those who are susceptible or to those who may spread the agent to others.
"Board of health" means authorized administrators, officers, agents, or employees of the county, multicounty, or city board of health organized under Minnesota Statutes, sections 145A.09 to 145A.14.
"Medical laboratory" means any facility that receives, forwards, or analyzes specimens of original material from the human body, or referred cultures of specimens obtained from the human body, and reports the results to physicians who use the data for purposes of patient care.
"Physician" means any person who is licensed by the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice to practice medicine.
"Sentinel surveillance" means monitoring a disease or syndrome through reporting of cases, suspected cases, and carriers and submission of clinical materials by selected sites under part 4605.7046.
"Suspected case" means a person or deceased person having a condition or illness in which the signs and symptoms resemble those of a recognized disease.
"Veterinarian" means any person who is licensed by the Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine to practice veterinary medicine.
"Public health hazard" means the presence of an infectious agent or condition in the environment which endangers the health of a specified population.
9 SR 2584; L 1987 c 309 s 24,26; L 1991 c 106 s 6; 20 SR 858; 30 SR 247
September 15, 2005
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes