Each application for a release permit shall contain the following information in a form approved by the chair:
a cover letter signed by an authorized representative or agent of the applicant requesting a release permit and identifying the proposed release organism and the location of the release;
the complete name, title, address, and telephone number of the authorized representative to be contacted concerning the applicant's filing;
a description of the proposed release including:
a list of all the known federal, state, and local agencies or authorities and titles of the permits they issue that are required for the proposed release; and
the federal application and the federal Confidential Business Information Deleted application if they have been prepared. The applicant may make reference to the federal application in completing the release permit application.
An applicant shall identify in the application any information that the applicant believes is trade secret information which should not be made available to the public. The applicant has the burden to establish that the information in question qualifies as trade secret information. In the event the chair disagrees with the applicant, the chair shall notify the applicant of the chair's decision at least five working days prior to making the information public. The applicant may withdraw the application or seek judicial recourse.
MS s 116C.94
17 SR 139
August 21, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes