Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 116C.724, subdivision 2, clauses (5) and (6), the permittee shall submit splits or portions of a core sample to the commissioner of natural resources at the commissioner's request or to the director of the Minnesota geological survey at the director's request. If the permittee needs a sample in its entirety, the commissioner or director may accept certified and uninterpreted data of the sample in lieu of an actual portion if that data provides all the information necessary to obtain complete and accurate conclusions. Splits or certified data shall be presented to the commissioner or director within 30 days after the request is made and all samples submitted shall become the property of the state.
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 116C.724, subdivision 3, the permittee or any person conducting geologic, hydrologic, or geophysical testing or any other studies relating to disposal is required to provide unrestricted access to all raw and interpreted data to the chair and director of the Minnesota geological survey or their designated representatives within 30 days. The raw and interpreted data includes:
distribution of engineering and geophysical parameters including rippability of rock and surficial materials, degree of bedrock or surficial weathering including depth of exfoliation present, resistivity, seismic properties, elastic properties, and coefficients of thermal expansion and thermal conductivity;
stratigraphic sections and geologic cross sections of the affected areas including structural, mineralogical, and petrological descriptions at a scale sufficient to delineate relevant stratigraphic changes, discontinuities, or sections of hydrologic or structural interest;
location, depth, thickness, and mineral composition of all bedrock aquifers and other water-bearing formations;
location, depth, thickness, geologic classification, and material classification of all Quaternary hydrogeologic units encountered;
distribution of hydrologic parameters including vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivity, sustained yield ratings, transmissivity, effective porosity, dispersivity, interstitial velocity, sorption coefficients, ion exchange capacity, and elevation of the potentiometric surface for all confined units and water level elevation for unconfined units for the area of potential environmental impact;
the groundwater recharge and discharge areas and a description of the flow system including local, intermediate, and regional flow;
structural discontinuities and their relationship to groundwater flow, including the presence of and effects on the flow system due to faults, fractures, joints, fissures, and microfissures. Related secondary permeability, rock pore pressure factors, and the extent and type of fracture filling material;
groundwater samples with hydrogeochemical analyses of the area and location, including probable ranges of the chemical composition for major and trace ions and organics with location and depth and Eh-pH;
tests for solubility of radionuclides and radioactive chemicals, including but not limited to Cesium, Strontium, Carbon-14, Iodine 129, Plutonium, Technetium, Americium, Neptenium, Radon, and Radium;
any and all other raw and interpreted data obtained through the studies related to the disposal of high-level radioactive waste.
MS s 116C.724
10 SR 2290; 17 SR 1279
August 20, 2018
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes