All regular and special board meetings, and board-authorized subcommittee and task force meetings, must be open to the public. All board decisions must be made at open meetings.
All notices of regular and special board meetings and meetings of board subcommittees and task forces must be posted in a conspicuous place in the board offices.
The chairperson shall designate the time and place of each regular meeting. At least ten calendar days prior to a regular meeting, written notice of the time, place, and matters to be considered must be posted and served on all board members, technical representatives, interested persons, and each party to a matter being considered at the meeting. Notice of the meeting must be published in the EQB Monitor prior to the meeting. The chairperson may direct that any regular meeting be rescheduled. Written notice of a rescheduled regular meeting shall be given in the manner described in subpart 4.
The chairperson, vice chairperson, or a majority of the board members may call a special meeting when deemed necessary or desirable. At least three calendar days prior to a special meeting, written notice of the time, place, and matters to be considered must be posted and served on board members, technical representatives, interested persons, and each party to a matter being considered at the meeting.
The chairperson shall prepare a proposed agenda of business to be conducted for all meetings of the board. The agenda must include the time and place of the meeting and a list of all matters to be considered. Items may be placed on the agenda by notifying the chairperson of the matter at least 14 calendar days prior to a regular meeting. The chairperson shall determine whether or not a matter should be placed on the agenda and shall advise the board of all matters not placed on the agenda. A copy of an agenda constitutes written notice of board meetings when served as required in subparts 3 and 4.
Written material related to a matter to be decided by the board at a regular meeting must be served on all parties and 14 copies delivered to the board offices at least seven calendar days before a regular meeting. Written material related to a matter to be decided at a special meeting must be personally served on all parties, board members, and at the board offices at least two calendar days before the special meeting. The chairperson may grant an extension of time or allow the submission of fewer copies due to time constraints or economic hardship.
Except as specifically provided under statute or these parts, the most current revision of Roberts Rules of Order Revised governs any question of parliamentary procedure that arises at a board meeting.
The first order of business at the meeting must be adoption of the agenda, which may be amended or modified by the board prior to taking up other business. No matter may be voted upon at a regular or special board meeting unless it has been placed on the agenda as required under subparts 4 and 5. Discussion or informational items for which no decision will be made at the meeting may be added to the agenda at the meeting.
The chairperson may include a portion of time on each regular meeting agenda for persons to present statements on matters which are within the board's jurisdiction but are not on the agenda. The chairperson shall determine the limits of time and the relevancy of the statement to the board's jurisdiction.
A person who wishes to present a statement on a matter that is on the agenda for the meeting shall be allowed to present statements to the board at the meeting; provided, however, that all written supporting materials must be filed as required under subpart 6. If the board determines that a person affected by an oral or written statement has not had adequate opportunity to respond, the board shall allow additional time to respond.
The chairperson shall determine the limits of time and the relevancy of discussion or debate on any matter before the board.
An affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the board is necessary to take action, including the adoption, amendment, or repeal of rules and orders. All members present, including the chairperson, shall vote or abstain on every matter presented for board action.
When computing a majority of all members of the board, absences or abstentions must be included and vacancies must be excluded.
Unless otherwise provided by law or rule, whenever a motion for final adoption of a decision, resolution, or other action fails to receive the vote required and no contrary motion for final adoption has received the required vote, no action may be taken and the matter must be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting or a special meeting without need for a determination to reopen, rehear, or otherwise reconsider the matter.
The board shall keep full and accurate minutes of all meetings, including a record of all votes of individual members.
Following each regular or special meeting, a copy of all decisions or resolutions adopted by the board must be served on all parties to an action. Notice of board decisions must be published in the EQB Monitor.
9 SR 333
August 21, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes