The following terms used in parts 4310.8105 to 4310.8160 have the meanings given them.
"Community development application" means the official consolidated application form as developed by the department to be used to apply for funding assistance from various community assistance programs administered by the Community Development Division.
"Community Development Division" means the Community Development Division of the Department of Employment and Economic Development.
"Eligible applicant" means local units of government that are eligible to apply for an outdoor recreation grant.
"LAWCON" means the program established by the act of Congress entitled "The Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965," as amended, Statutes at Large, volume 87, page 897, which provides federal grants to Minnesota for the acquisition and development of outdoor recreation projects.
"Local units of government" means counties, cities, townships, and Indian tribes and bands recognized by the federal government.
"NPS" means the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior.
"NPS guidelines" means those guidelines established by the National Park Service and contained in the "Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants Manual," prepared by the National Park Service. This manual is incorporated by reference, is available through the Minitex interlibrary loan system, and is subject to frequent change.
"Outdoor recreation grant" means a specific sum of money made available by the federal government or Minnesota to an eligible applicant for the execution of outdoor recreation projects.
"Project" means a planned undertaking for outdoor recreation, proposed by an eligible applicant, having fixed beginning and ending dates and consisting of either or both of the following two types:
"acquisition project" means the acquisition of real property or an interest and rights to the property for a well-defined outdoor recreation area and purpose; and
"development project" means the development of structures, utilities, or facilities necessary for the purpose of outdoor recreation on publicly-owned or controlled land.
"Project agreement" means the contract executed between the NPS and the state, or the state and the eligible applicant, that sets forth the mutual obligations with regard to a portion or all of a specific project.
"SCORP" means the Minnesota Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan prepared by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources as required by the NPS as a prerequisite to distribution of LAWCON funds. This plan is incorporated by reference, is available through the Minitex interlibrary loan system, and is subject to change every five years.
13 SR 2933; L 2003 1Sp4 s 1
October 11, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes