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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subpart 1.


Referral may be from another agency or person or a self-referral and may be oral or written. The referral must provide the person's name and a method of contact.

Subp. 2.

Initial interview.

Each person referred to SSB for independent living rehabilitation services shall be personally interviewed within 30 days unless exceptional and unforeseen circumstances beyond SSB's control make it impossible to do so or unless otherwise agreed upon by the individual and the SSB direct service staff. As part of the interview, the SSB direct service staff must:


explain the independent living services available;


request the information needed to determine eligibility under part 3325.0220;


explain and determine interest in workforce development and communication center services offered by SSB; and


inform the individual of the:


protection, use, and release of the individual's personal information in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations, title 34, section 364.56, and Minnesota Statutes, section 13.791;


right of appeal under part 3325.0478;


services available from and information on how to contact the client assistance program; and


identity of and means to contact organized support and advocacy groups of the blind and deafblind in Minnesota.

Subp. 3.

Legal representative.

All signature requirements placed on individuals by parts 3325.0205 to 3325.0478 may be satisfied by the signature of an individual's legal representative. All written notices that must be provided to individuals under parts 3325.0205 to 3325.0490 must be provided to the individual's legal representative unless providing the information would violate provisions of the Minnesota Data Practices Act.

Subp. 4.

Designated representative.

An individual or an individual's legal representative may designate one person to represent the individual in any matter pertaining to the individual's request for or receipt of independent living rehabilitation services. The individual must designate a representative in writing and may not designate more than one representative at any given time. SSB must provide an individual's designated representative with a copy of a written notice only if specifically authorized to do so in writing by the individual.

Subp. 5.


No individual who is present in the state of Minnesota may be denied independent living rehabilitation services on the basis of residency.

Subp. 6.

Access to contents of record of services.

Access to the contents of an individual's record of services or to any other information maintained by SSB which pertains to the individual must be administered by SSB in accordance with the Minnesota Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, chapter 13, and all other applicable laws and regulations.

Subp. 7.

Written communication.

All written communication with a referral or eligible individual must be supplemented as necessary by other appropriate modes of communication consistent with the informed choice of the individual.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 248.07


36 SR 33

Published Electronically:

August 24, 2011

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes