Regardless of the approach in part 3325.0165, subpart 2, item A, development of the IPE that an eligible individual selects for purposes of developing the IPE, each IPE must include:
a description of the specific employment outcome that is chosen by the eligible individual that:
is consistent with the individual's unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, career interests, and informed choice; and
a description of the specific rehabilitation services under part 3325.0180 that are:
needed to achieve the employment outcome, including, as appropriate, the provision of assistive technology devices, assistive technology services, and personal assistance services, including training in the management of those services; and
provided in the most integrated setting that is appropriate for the services involved and is consistent with the informed choice of the eligible individual;
a description of the entity or entities chosen by the eligible individual or, as appropriate, the individual's representative that will provide the vocational rehabilitation services and the methods used to procure those services;
a description of the criteria that will be used to evaluate progress toward achievement of the employment outcome; and
the terms and conditions of the IPE, including, as appropriate, the information describing:
An IPE for an individual with the most significant disability for whom an employment outcome in a supported employment setting has been determined to be appropriate must:
identify the source of extended services or, to the extent that it is not possible to identify the source of extended services at the time the IPE is developed, include a description of the basis for concluding that there is a reasonable expectation that those sources will become available;
provide for periodic monitoring to ensure that the individual is making satisfactory progress toward meeting the weekly work requirement established in the IPE by the time of transition to extended services;
provide for the coordination of services provided under an IPE with services provided under other individualized plans established under other federal or state programs;
to the extent that job skills training is provided, identify that the training will be provided on site; and
include placement in an integrated setting for the maximum number of hours possible based on the unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice of individuals with the most significant disabilities.
The IPE for each individual must contain, as determined to be necessary, statements concerning:
the expected need for postemployment services prior to closing the record of services of an individual who has achieved an employment outcome;
a description of the terms and conditions for the provision of any postemployment services; and
The IPE for a student with a disability who is receiving special education services must be coordinated with the special education plan for that individual in terms of goals, objectives, and services identified in the special education plan.
MS s 248.07
36 SR 33
August 24, 2011
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes