"Agricultural or horticultural commodity" includes nuts, fruits, mushrooms, vegetables, honey, milk, eggs and grain, flowers, cut flowers, trees, sod and shrubbery, animal feed or bedding, grass seed, vegetable and cereal seed, flax, soy beans, sunflower seeds, corn, medicinal herbs, and other crops.
"Commodity" refers to a single product. For example, all apples are one commodity. Apples and peaches are two separate commodities.
"Crop purchase agreement" means an agreement whereby a crop is raised under contract with a buyer.
"Cultivating" means cultivating of the soil, irrigating crops, spraying, dusting, and other related operations.
"Farm," unless otherwise excluded in part 3315.0820, means land or buildings if their primary use is for raising agricultural or horticultural commodities or for activities generally associated with the operation of a ranch, range, livestock, or dairy operation. A farm need not be a specific size and it need not be composed of contiguous plots. The performance of agricultural services does not by itself render the place where they are performed a farm.
"Fur-bearing animals" are animals raised for the eventual use of their fur in the manufacture of clothing or other products.
"Harvesting" includes baling hay and straw, shredding fodder, combining small grains, hulling nuts, and course grinding of alfalfa. Horticultural commodities including flowers, trees, shrubbery, and plants are harvested when they are taken up for sale or storage.
"Livestock" is any useful domestic animal kept for use on a farm or raised for sale and profit or for eventual consumption.
"Poultry" is any domestic fowl raised for meat or eggs and includes chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese.
"Raising" as it pertains to livestock, bees, poultry, fur-bearing animals, and wildlife means any or all stages of development, including breeding, which are necessary in their maturing for use on the farm or for sale. Raising does not include services in potting, watering, heeling, or otherwise caring for trees, shrubbery, plants, flowers, or similar items that are purchased in salable condition for the purpose of resale.
A "terminal market" includes a packing or processing plant or any place where a farmer-producer customarily relinquishes economic interest in the commodity, its future form, or its destiny.
"Wildlife" refers to frogs, birds, fish, and all animals belonging to a species or class generally considered wild regardless of the element which they inhabit.
13 SR 1057; 17 SR 1279; 33 SR 999
January 14, 2009
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes