The compensation of the operator and supplier of a bulldozer, tractor, or similar equipment, and trucks other than truck owner-operators excluded under Minnesota Statutes, section 268.035, subdivision 25b, whose compensation includes wages for personal services as well as the cost of operating and hiring the equipment are wages unless the amount attributable to wages is separately identified either by making separate payments; or, if both wages and equipment hire are combined in a single payment, by a prearranged written agreement or by specifically indicating the separate amounts at the time of each payment.
Payments to an employee that include advances or reimbursements for use of a personal vehicle of up to 9,000 pounds gross vehicle weight in the employer's business are wages unless the amount attributable to the use of the vehicle is separately paid or stated as prescribed in Minnesota Statutes, section 268.035, subdivision 29, paragraph (a), clause (10), and the advance or reimbursement is not unreasonable or arbitrary in which case only the amount attributable to services performed is wages.
If the commissioner finds that the wage determination of the equipment operators or employees who use their personal vehicles in the employer's business prescribed by subparts 1 and 2 would be unreasonable or arbitrary in a particular case, then the commissioner must determine the amount of the wages of the employee involved.
13 SR 1057; 17 SR 1279; 31 SR 285; 33 SR 999
January 14, 2009
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes